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BHP Billiton slashes dividend, rearranges top execs amid a dire first-half result

BHP Billiton has more than halved its dividend and rearranged its top executive ranks after a six-month period in which it sank to a $US5.7 billion net loss and underlying profits slumped to their lowest levels in decades.

The miner slashed its payout to US16¢ dividend - the lowest since February 2005 - from US62¢ this time last year, as it posted a $US412 million underlying profit, well below market expectations for a profit closer to $US727 million.

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BHP release dire first-half results

BHP Billiton's interim results for the half year ended December 31, 2015.

The progressive dividend policy has been axed and will be replaced by a system that pays out 50 per cent of underlying attributable profits each half. It is the first time BHP has cut its dividend since 1988. 

BHP shares have surged by 3.2 per cent in morning trade on Tuesday, and are not touching their highest price since January 4.

As recently as six months ago, BHP was insisting it had the capacity on its balance sheet to "defend" its progressive dividend, which was guaranteed not to fall.

But BHP chief executive Andrew Mackenzie said the continuing slide in commodity prices, particularly oil prices, prompted Tuesday's change.


"We didn't foresee the possibility of sub $US30 (per barrel) oil and that is an important source of earnings for BHP Billiton. Since then we have seen, in a number of areas, confirmation that we are going to be in a period of low and high volatile prices before a recovery," he said.

"The oil price was the final piece evidence...that we were dealing with a very different kind of environment and one that was looking, on an average basis, worse than our low case.

Mr Mackenzie said commodity markets were now facing a period of "prolonged oversupply", and he said November's Samarco dam disaster was not a major contributor to the dividend decision.

The move follows Rio Tinto's decision earlier this month to abandon the "progressive" policy and switch to a dividend policy that more closely matches profit performance each year.

It also comes after ratings agency Standard & Poor's warned that BHP could face another credit rating downgrade if it retained the progressive policy.

Mr Mackenzie said the change to the dividend policy would make the miner more capable of buying assets if good opportunities come onto the market.

"It allows us a lot more flexibility and optionality if you like in how we use our strong cash flow so that we can take advantage of what we think will be a number of critical opportunities at this phase in our company's development," he said.

"It means we have more money to think about acquisitions as tier one assets become available, if things particularly look black we may divert more money to further strengthening of the balance sheet and we can continue to pursue our growth agenda either through inorganic options or some of our other growth options."

On the topic of potential acquisitions, Mr Mackenzie said he was equally interested in copper and oil assets.

Tuesday's half-year profit was dogged by asset impairments, including the previously announced $US7.2 billion pre-tax write-down against BHP's US shale assets.

There was also a pre-tax charge of $US1.18 billion to account for the impact of the Samarco tragedy on BHP's revenue, and a $US390 million charge for tax matters.

The Samarco charge is not expected to be the final cost of the tragedy on the company, with talks over penalties and rehabilitation still underway in Brazil.

After those impairments, the company slumped to a first-half attributable loss of $US5.7 billion.

That is the first time BHP has posted a loss since 1999, before the merger with Billiton.

Shaw and Partners analyst Peter O'Connor said that while the market was expecting a big slump in profits, the results published on Tuesday were "quite frankly disappointingly low".

"We may be living through the 'post China' earnings nadir," he said.

Morgans analyst Adrian Prendergast said the weaker-than-expected result would probably lead the investment community to downgrade their expectations for BHP's 2016 full year profit.

But Mr Prendergast welcomed the decision to cut the dividend.

"We applaud the move, and consider it a reasonable measure to take to increase the flexibility of the business (and strengthening its balance sheet)," he said.

"Today may see some mixed reactions to the result, but we would view any (share price) weakness as an opportunity to add to positions."

The company has completely revamped its executive ranks, with petroleum boss Tim Cutt and iron ore boss Jimmy Wilson both set to leave the company.

The big winners from the revamp include former coal boss Mike Henry, who will take charge of all Australian assets, including the iron ore division, the coal division, Olympic Dam in South Australia, Nickel West and the company's fledgling coal presence in Borneo.

Steve Pastor is the other big winner, rising to take the helm of the petroleum division.

Commercial boss Dean Dalla Valle will remain seconded in Brazil as he manages the response to the Samarco disaster, while copper boss Daniel Malchuk will assume command of most assets in the Americas, including the Cerrejon coal asset in Colombia.

BHP's Australian shares last traded at $17.18 on Monday, well above the $14.20 they were fetching as recently as January 21.


While the December half was typified by weak commodity markets, prices for some of BHP's major product lines improved in the early weeks of 2016, with iron ore rising to $US51.52 a tonne on Monday night.

The steel-making ingredient was fetching just $US38.30 per tonne in mid December.

Copper prices were below $US2 per pound in mid January, but were $US2.12 per pound on Tuesday morning.

Oil prices are still close to their bottom, but West Texas Crude did surge by 6.9 per cent on Monday morning to be fetching $US31.68 per barrel.

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