[ The Age ]

Sarah Silverman's take on fart jokes applies to money

Date: February 18 2017

Catherine Robson

Emmy Award winning comedian Sarah Silverman loves fart jokes.

"Fart jokes make me happier than just about anything in the universe. And for that reason I am terrified by the idea that someday I might have had enough of them. If they are a genuine treat and a surprise, they are the surest way to send me into tear-soaked convulsions of laughter."

While not all of us might share Silverman's humour preferences, there is a lot to learn about money and happiness in her commitment to tempering the use of fart jokes on her TV show.

In wealthy western countries, much of what our grandparents could only experience as a treat, we now have easy access to daily. Think Charlie Bucket in Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate factory. His family were so poor that they could only afford to give him one chocolate bar a year on his birthday, and he saved this precious luxury by savouring one tiny bite per day to make it last for over a month. Today, chocolate is inexpensive and available at every supermarket, corner store and service station, finding its way into our office lunch rooms and school lunch boxes. However, research shows that with such abundant access, we become inured to its delights.

As Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton point out in their book, Happy Money, "if abundance is the enemy of appreciation, scarcity may be our best ally". Just as Sarah Silverman espouses, "make it a treat" is a clever tactic to create spending habits that celebrate scarcity and boost our happiness levels.

Take a break

By taking a break from habitual spending, you can turn a pedestrian purchase into a treat to be savoured.  Turning a daily coffee habit into a once a week purchase means the caffeine goodness is more likely to be sipped and enjoyed in a cafe, rather than inhaled on the way to work.

Turning habitual purchases into occasional treats has the added bonus of a healthier bank balance. We all know those daily lattes add up.

Savour small

In contrast to the American / Australian meal portion size where scarcity is, well, scarce, the French celebrate small portions, made to be savoured and enjoyed so you're left feeling satisfied, not sick.

A 2003 study reported a difference between consumption of fries in a McDonald's restaurant in the middle of Paris and one in the middle of Philadelphia. Although the size of a large fries in the Paris restaurant was about 30 per cent less than the large serve in Philadelphia, Parisian diners took about 50 per cent longer to eat the fries than the Americans.

Bigger might seem better when it comes to junk food, but real foodie joy lies in savouring smaller, more delicate culinary experiences.    

Scarcity sells

When it comes to marketing, the psychological reaction to scarcity has the power to move product quickly. Marketers use the fear of shortage to increase sales and build hype around a limited edition product. Started in the 1980s, the Disney Vault is a famous example of scarcity marketing. Limited editions of popular Disney films were reissued for a short amount of time and fans were urged to purchase the film before they were returned to the Disney Vault. Those who missed out would have to wait several years for the next reissue of the film.   

Saving up to acquire a prized limited edition item might align with clever marketing plans, but infrequent, conscious purchases will also help reduce overall expenditure and bring greater happiness than daily impulse buys.

So for health, wealth and happiness, aim to be like Charlie Bucket not Augustus Gloop. Greedy, spoilt Gloop, is so focused on gorging himself at the chocolate factory, he falls into the chocolate river, is literally carried away and never seen again. Charlie's abstemious ways on the other hand see him inherit the wealth of the entire Wonka empire. Whether it's fart jokes or chocolates, there is a lesson in that for all of us.

Catherine Robson is a financial planner with Affinity Private. Twitter: @CatherineAtAff.