Tag Archives: N-AM

NYC Antifa Fall Newsletter

If our blog has looked a little slow recently, it might be because the work of an antifascist is overwhelming in 2016. We’ve also taken to updating our twitter account more frequently, as we are moving towards the blog being … Continue reading

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NATA Unwanted at Anarchist Bookfair, 4/20 Conference, or seemingly anywhere else

Upon a closer evaluation of the word and its etymology one can see that fascism does not imply hierarchy but rather unity, and some anarchists may want to reclaim the term. – Craig FitzGerald, NATA-NY National Anarchist Tribal Alliance (NATA) … Continue reading

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NATA Kicked to the Curb at “Punks Against Police” Mattinee

Controversy surrounded the February 16th “Punks Against Police” matinee. Originally to be held at ABC No Rio, it was moved to a venue in East Williamsburg after discussions regarding the affiliation of one band member with NATA-NY (National “Anarchist” Tribal … Continue reading

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