Lion's Little Creatures tries to crack China

Matt Tapper, head of Lion's global markets divisions, has started exporting craft beers such as Little Creatures to Asia.
Matt Tapper, head of Lion's global markets divisions, has started exporting craft beers such as Little Creatures to Asia. Dominic Lorrimer

From Fremantle to Hong Kong, brewing giant Lion is hoping to capitalise on China's growing middle class and its changing tastes from traditional cheap local lager to craft beer like Little Creatures Pale Ale.

China is not only the biggest consumer of alcoholic drinks in the world, taking the lead over the United States in 2011, but it is also set to become the world's largest beer market in value this year.

The niche $400 million craft beer segment in China has also grown rapidly in recent years, as consumers look for premium products with new fuller tastes from smaller brewers.

Lion has recently opened a Little Creatures brewery in up-and-coming Kennedy Town, in Hong Kong's west, where there has been a surge in trendy bar and restaurant openings.

Matt Tapper has worked at Lion for nearly two decades and is spearheading the group's push into Asia.

As head of the recently formed segment called global markets, he looks after beer and wine around the world and likens it to being part of a start-up within the behemoth food and beverage company.

Tapper is focused on growth markets, and more specifically taking its highly successful home-grown craft beer hero, Little Creatures, to Asia, and beyond. The craft beer is already being sold in 15 countries outside of Australia and New Zealand, five of them in Asia.

"While it's early days, we are seeing really positive signs in China with craft continuing to be an emerging category especially amongst the millennial consumers – those 18 or 20 to 35-year-olds are our primary focus," he tells AFR Weekend.

"There are hundreds of millions of them. And they are incredibly connected in terms of technology, they are incredibly social and looking for new experiences, and they are highly trusting of great brands from our part of the world."

The micro-brewery sees 2500 weekly visitors looking for a premium craft beer experience. And it's not just expats, with Tapper revealing half of the customers are local Chinese. He expects similar trends in Shanghai, where Lion has opened a Little Creatures pop-up bar. It's mulling the possibility of opening another pop-up in Singapore.

"Hong Kong and mainland Chinese look to those western bars as a lead indicator as to what's popular," says Tapper.

Tapper says millenials are part of the emerging middle class, willing to pay for premium experiences, just like they would in other categories like tea and fashion.

He has lofty goals that Little Creatures can be a leader in a number of global cities in craft beer. Big beer makers like Lion have scooped up smaller craft breweries to gain exposure as the traditional beer market goes backwards. Lion has also recently lost a number of popular imported brands like Corona and Stella Artois, following the merger of Anheuser-Busch InBev and SAB Miller.

Lion, which is owned by Japan's Kirin Holdings, bought the balance of WA-based Little World Beverages (Little Creatures' owner) it did not already own in 2012 in a deal valuing the company at $382 million. It also bought White Rabbit at the same time. Other brands in its craft portfolio include NZ Panhead Custom Ales and Byron Bay Brewing Co, both which were bought in 2016. James Squire 150 Lashes is the best-selling packaged craft beer by volume in Australia.

Tapper says he has a lot of autonomy to experiment from the parent company, and looks at the business unit through three-month cycles. He is focused on growing the Little Creatures presence in Asia through distributor partners, brand ambassadors and e-commerce sites like imbeer and Shanghai9, although he has set up shop on China's e-shopping giant, Alibaba.

"Being a reasonably impatient character, I have aspirations that over five to 10 years we can make a significant difference to Lion. I'm very focused on today, tomorrow and next week to find new sources of growth. And amplify those successes as quickly as we can," he says.

But it won't be easy changing people's taste, or competing with local cheap brews.

China's biggest selling beer is Snow – made by state-backed China Resources Enterprise – and it's cheap at 4 rmb ($A0.76) a can or 12 rmb ($A2.28) a litre.

Tapper says he's not worried about going head to head with big brands and the focus on premium products reflects a shift in China's 1.4 billion consumers.

Themenh Nguyen, co-founder of Bevex which puts on Beeranza in Shanghai, says there were more than 12,000 visitors at the craft beer festival in December over three days.

Nguyen, who used to work for US-giant Budweiser, warned while there is growing interest in craft beer in major cities, that does not represent greater China.

"Reality is the craft beer segment has grown rapidly from a small base, that is mostly foreign beers, but now there are local craft beers too," he says.

"In Shanghai craft beer is booming. But supply has grown faster than demand. It's still hard to get Chinese people to change their taste. It will take years for them to get used to IPA [india pale ale].

"The boom is overstated in my opinion. It's there in Shanghai and Beijing ... but they are not necessarily representative of overall China."

Nguyen adds China is still a country that is price conscious, and craft beer could cost up to 10 times more for a smaller bottle compared with local beers.

Over the past five years mainstream beer in China has hardly grown and discount beer volumes have declined, according to Rabobank analyst Francios Sonneville.

"Many Chinese consumers are still unfamiliar with craft beer," Sonneville says. "[But] Chinese millenials are interested in alternative beer styles with exotic ingredients."

The country is already the world's biggest beer market with consumption reaching 50 billion litres annually compared with Australia's 1.5 billion litres. However, craft makes up less than 1 per cent of that consumption.

Rabobank estimates that there are about 53 craft breweries in China.

But doing business in China is not easy. Several Australian companies have mistepped, including baby formula maker Bellamy's Australia.

Importing ingredients is expensive and the import of craft beer is held back by logistics in China, and with a shorter shelf life than mainstream beer, that's a problem for craft exporters. Tapper admits it's important to do your homework.

"We spent 15 to 18 months immersing ourselves in China and greater Asia understanding how this was going to work for us. Meeting people, talking to people, asking questions, observing people, and visiting tier 2 and 3 cities. Getting a feel for who our competitors are. Setting up companies to employ and pay people took 12 months," he says.

If Tapper has his way Lion will sell Little Creatures in about 25-30 countries by the end of the year.

He is also considering more mature craft beer markets like San Francisco and London.

"Little Creatures connects on an emotional level. It celebrates diversity and being different. It's a brand that can travel. Whether you are in a Qantas lounge in Hong Kong or small craft bar in Shanghai – it's a brand people gravitate to."