
Antif-Fascist news was birthed out of organizers and writers who care about anti-fascist and anti-racist struggle as an important area for radical and left politics.  As we enter into periods of capitalist crisis, the rise of the far-right will continue to be a threat, and we intend to provide news and analysis that can be useful to organizers and anti-racists.

The website will produce original content in both long and short form articles, as well as aggregate important news stories and take submissions from writers and activists.

If you are interested in contributing to Anti-Fascist news, or volunteering for behind-the-seems technical work, email us at:


6 thoughts on “About”

  1. In the fiture, it would be nice to ask, or at least give credit for images you use.
    The image above “Get Into Your Roots” was photographed, and created by myself.


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Taking on Fascism and Racism from the Ground Up.

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