Sorry TRS, we liked this one better than your Season 2 logo.

The White Stuff: An Open Letter to The Right Stuff and the Daily Shoah

As many people saw, a quick blog was posted less than a week ago covering the recent #cuckservative hashtag.  The goal of this was really just to provide a little context for those who are not up on the clashes between GOP traditionalists and the far-right.  The main focus of this was The Right Stuff and their podcast, The Daily Shoah.  This quickly got to the attention of the neoreaction themselves, and was shared widely amongst The Right Stuff supporters.  This allowed us a night of entertainment where pop up messages came accusing us of being “dirty Jews” and having a strange chain of the regular alt-right comment types.  The strange thing we noticed about these comments were so many of them seemed to want to make friends with us, and a lot of them seemed to believe that things like “you are the real fascists” and “how can white supremacy exist if all the leaders are Jews” were substantive intellectual fodder.  The comments were relatively the same on The Right Stuff’s own forum, except they mixed in videos of black face, mentions of the Third Reich, and the kind of vicious racial hatred and language that deserves a brick, not a response.

This then led to The Daily Shoah dedicating us a full fifteen minutes on their podcast, a period that was apparently too long to refrain from using the n-word.  We appreciate the promotion, and we wanted to go ahead and both address some of the things mentioned and to shine a light on what it really means to be a “shitlord.”

One thing that they picked up almost immediately is a couple mistakes we made, which we will gladly correct.  First we mentioned that they referred to black men as “Dingos,” which is actually “Dindus.”  This was something that was incredibly important to them, and was even in the glossary of silly words that they use to “class up” their podcast.  I also referred to their host as Goy, and their main hosts are actually Seventh Son and Enoch (though the person I did refer to now goes by Goy, not sure if that is because he wants our fandom).

They then went on a rant about the article and all the mistakes, though we really do beg them to mention any mistakes that were beyond things like who the main host was and word mistakes.  The key issue in the article was not about whether or not the alt-right is racist, that is clear from the get go, but exactly what the motivation is.  As you go through Radix, Counter-Currents, American Renaissance, Traditionalist Youth Network, Council of Conservative Citizens, and oh so many more there is their own type of coded language.  Unlike traditional conservatives that try to use “dog whistle” racialism to signal their base while accusing the left of “real racism,” the alt-right conventionally hides behind a similarly obvious series of symbols and easy-outs.

Let’s start with a few phrases that are common on the alt-right (though, for reasons I’ll get to later, not common on TRS or TDS).  Ethnopluraism, ethnonationalism, pan-Europeanism, and many others that essentially have similar etymology.  What most of these idea represent is the notion that racial nationalism, or even more specific ethnic nationalism, is the main function of a radical alt-right movement.  The argument goes then that ethnic nationalism is the right of all peoples, and it literally has nothing to do with the inferiority of or hatred towards people of color.  The Human Biological Diversity issues brought up in places like American Renaissance are often couched as “group differences” as a way of saying that perceived difference in IQ or criminality is only an example that black people (or whoever the target racial minority is that week) need their own homeland because their genetic make-up doesn’t allow them to fit correctly in white culture.  Many of these groups go even further than this, often times even using language that celebrates minority cultural organizations, and anti-Semitism is often on the back-burner of most of these websites and justified using very marginal ideas in evolutionary psychology.  On the majority of these websites you will never see a Klan robe, swastika, 14:88, holocaust denial, and other hallmarks of the vanguardist far-right.  Even Stormfront bans racial slurs and swastikas at this point.  These are the politics of respectability, and they really are making an argument for racial nationalism as being separate from the racial violence we saw for centuries with colonialism, genocide, slavery, Jim Crow, the Holocaust, etc.

Then there is The Right Stuff.

On their podcast you will hear open racial slurs, incredibly vile racial insults, jokes about the holocaust (as well as what appears to be denial, though that is not a main target of discussion), deep hatred of Jews, discussion about how women manipulate men and make false rape accusations, and basically reinforce white supremacist orthodoxy that many of these alt-right sources would say are a caricature of nationalist that no longer exists.

So then, we could easily say that these are two separate movements, two different ideological positions.  Except they aren’t.

As they acknowledged when playing fanboy to our website, their members have gone on Radix Journal podcast.  They do host Greg Johnson from Radix.  They do attend American Renaissance, and they are generally tied to the broader pseudo-intellectual racist movement.  Their ideas are functionally the same while the value judgments and crass nature are different.  They actually do think that people of color, especially people of African decent, are inferior.  They actually do think that Jews control the world and deserve the violence that has been inflicted upon them.  They actually do think that people of color benefited from colonialism because they cannot govern their own affairs. (Or have agency, as they like to say)

They even lamented the fact that the infamous /r/CoonTown subreddit network was taken off of Reddit.  This is where you had forums to share videos of black people being murdered and to discuss general hatred against African Americans.

You say that we did not do our homework, but we actually have listened to your entire first season of The Daily Shoah, so maybe we are actually your most committed followers.

The real question that they raise, however, is about the functioning of Anti-Fascist Action.  While throwing out the same ad hominem that the far-right likes to do that it is a middle class movement (it has predominantly been the British working class left that founded antifa), that we are Marxists (it is predominantly an anarchist-driven movement), they went after their very core argument: that we are the “militant” wing of the “system.”

This is one that antifascists usually ignore because, on its face, it is completely meaningless.  Our decisions to be opposed to or inside “the system” has little to do with anti-racist and antifascist inclinations.  Likewise, there is this notion that we side with the police.  Antifascist Action has traditionally used “physical resistance” to confront and eliminate fascist organizing, which is inherently illegal.  Likewise, those organizing with Antifa are, usually, of a political organization opposed to the state.  That said, the final intention of antifascist organizing is to stop fascists.  Period.  There is no moral function here since the decisions about why we want to eliminate fascist organizing was made before entering into discussions of tactics.  We will feel absolutely nothing about police smashing up a fascist gathering and suppressing your speech because you are seen as an enemy.  Period.

This does, however, present a real concrete issue for antifascist organizers who do not actually want to empower the police in general.  The alternative that is presented is to create a militant community response that, whenever possible, does not engage with the police.  The majority of large racist rallies in the U.S. have police protection because of the inflammatory nature.  Look at recent rallies by Traditionalist Youth Network, the KKK, League of the South, and many others all rely on police protection to be able to speak.  Likewise, recent statistical research from the FBI show a higher than average percentage of racialist organizational members inside the police force.  Not much of a shocker there.  We do not care what the police’s intentions or goals are with busting up fascist organizing because they have little connection to our own.  We do not care about your illegality, about your silly gang culture, or if you are running drugs.  We confront you because you are violent blast from the past, the direct inverse of radical organizing.

The argument then that we are on the side of the “status quo” is one that is actually true to a degree.  We do stand with the vast majority of working class people that see we have much more to gain by coming together in solidarity than we do by dividing ourselves by arbitrary phenotypes.  There is nothing that bonds a white person biologically to another white person over a person of color, and to say that there is has been one of the most long-standing misreading of science by those with racial anger and fear as their motivation.  While we see that conscious racism is no longer a dominant paradigm, due directly to the long-working anti-racist organizing of the last 200 years, institutional racism is still alive in well.  The antifascist movement, however, is only targeting a specific subset of the reactionary white population who is desperately trying to hold onto the illusionary benefits of white privilege.  Anytime you see a revolution happening that challenges the hierarchy that the ruling class benefits from, you will see some try to hold onto the meager superiority they have.  This is true white white nationalists, as well as Men’s Rights Activists in regards to gender equality, the Religious Right in regards to queer rights, and so on.  In a period of social upheaval, there will always be a vanguard of the fascist movement, and as working-class organizers that is one of the greatest enemies of mass social transformation in the direction of democracy and equality.  In a funny way, we assume you would agree with this.

At the same time, what is the status quo?  For most of American history there has been a mass white on color genocide and enslavement.  Millions of Native Americans murdered, black people turned into livestock, and, today, literally locking up an entire generation of African Americans.  What is the status quo here?  Those working to eliminate the most glaring examples of conscious racism, or those wanting to reinforce the implicit racism that defines American institutions?  We are aware that from your standing point you are oppressed by multiculturalism.  I’m wondering if a black man being lynched by the Klan would agree that you are oppressed because you might be reprimanded at work for using the n-word.  Yeah, you certainly are a victim class.

So what is the threat of fascism?  This is actually something we have answered on this website at length.  We will direct you to the first two articles in a series that explains why we oppose fascism, which includes the variants you prefer such as New Right, Alt Right, neoreaction, Dark Enlightenment, etc.(What is the Real Threat of Fascist Organizing? and Anarchism vs Fascism)  The third will be out shortly dealing with the lone-wolf violence that your rhetoric inspires, and we will gladly send it over.  These fascist ideas, rooted in traditionalism, racialism, and hierarchy, are the functional opposite of what drives our organizing.  You could say that we literally have nothing in common.

You were right about one thing, however, you did drive a ton of traffic to the website!  This website and Facebook page are literally just a couple weeks old, so it is still getting moving.  The reason we will continue to talk about you is, for one, you are the plainest and simple example of your ideas.  There is no nuance here.  You say exactly what you mean, and so you make counter-organizing that much easier.

So thank you TRS, keep up the work.  We’ll be listening.


31 thoughts on “The White Stuff: An Open Letter to The Right Stuff and the Daily Shoah”

  1. I’m still not sure what you’re “exposing” here. Your argument seems to be that white nationalists are white nationalists. No shit. TRS is a bit more vulgar than the rest, sure. But it’s not like Radix, Amren, Counter-Currents etc deny being white nationalists, they’re fairly open. You’re basically just saying you don’t like the tone of TRS.


    1. Clearly, we are showing that this notion that “peaceful nationalism” or respect for “real diversity” is just coded language for the cowardly. These fascists are better represented by TRS, and that is something that anti-fascists will need to remember when confronted with the coded language.


    2. Why would they? They are nigger-pet keeping faggots. And we don’t THINK niggers are inferior, we know it and can objectively prove it. Niggers are hazardous to human health. After all, black “men” – 6 percent of the population- commit 60 percent of the violent crime in the US (actually THREE PERCENT, apefricans 15-45- the ones we haven’t got locked up yet). In a sane world, any country that had that kind of problem with such a small demographic would immediately shoah that demographic… but you racecucks eat that nigger dick up. After all, it’s AAAAALLLLLLLLLLL whitey’s fault. And it is. They never should have been brought here, then idiots like you guys should never have been allowed to pretend they are human. Repatriation, not reparations, is the only solution, and whites are indeed waking up. 2016 YEAR UB BE HABBENINGS, WHITEY! TRUMP 2016! THEY HAVE TO GO BACK. … fucking anarcho fags


  2. Pingback: Anti-Fascist News
  3. I dont really think anyone believes that those who call for segregation are not racist, it implies racism to do so. They may not all have a huge hate-on for blacks, but they sure don’t like them much which is their right, but this is the problem: they dont want them to be able to live around their precious white areas. To me theres not that much of a difference in the two ideologies, to say that you love blacks but they should live elsewhere… please! You will pretend to respect them and their culture to get them to agree to leave but behind their backs you’re snakes… Whites brought them here, whites have already uprooted them once and should be the ones to leave if anyone leaves. I am white, proud of my Irish Celtic heritage, and see no reason to have segregation, but I do see a huge need to treat the impoverished classes with a whole lot more respect and thats what Anti Fascist organizing is all about


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