Blackmores feels sting of slowing China frenzy

Blackmores chief executive Christine Holgate says the company won't match last year's booming full-year profits.
Blackmores chief executive Christine Holgate says the company won't match last year's booming full-year profits. Wayne Taylor

Vitamins group Blackmores says the influence of Chinese entrepreneurs clearing out the shelves of Australian retailers and big pharmacy chains of stock has shrunk to much more modest levels after some were "burnt" when super profits disappeared.

Chief executive Christine Holgate says some of those entrepreneurs, who were on-selling vitamins for more than double or triple the price on e-commerce sites in China in 2015, have disappeared after being hurt financially when regulatory uncertainty hit in China and they were caught with too much stock.

Some of the problems in the infant formula market, which have triggered a collapse in Bellamy's share price, also had an influence as the "daigou" buyers – Chinese entrepreneurs – fled from a broad range of categories.

"Clearly there was a very big surge. But I do think that some of the daigou got burnt a little bit," Ms Holgate told The Australian Financial Review on Wednesday.

The super profits the daigou had been making had shrunk, triggering an exodus. More stability in pricing in the vitamins market had also contributed. Ms Holgate said it was unclear whether there might be a return.

"I can't predict what they are going to do," she said. Having a steadier market without the sharp fluctuations made it easier to manage the Blackmores business, with many of the bigger daigous now buying from exporters rather than stripping the shelves of big retailers.

The company warned on Wednesday that even though the trends were slowly improving, its full-year profit for 2016-17 would be below last year's booming $100 million net profit, which helped catapult Blackmores shares to above $200 in January, 2016 from just $25 only 18 months earlier. The stock fell 10.3 per cent to $104.53 on Wednesday.

Sales in Australia for Blackmores slipped by 31 per cent to $158 million for the first half of 2016-17 although Ms Holgate said on Wednesday the trends had improved in October, November and December.

Overall profits at Blackmores in the December quarter were up 33 per cent compared with the September quarter, where the impact of de-stocking by retailers in response to a sharp slowdown in buying by Chinese entrepreneurs was at its most significant.

"The September quarter was a quarter horribilis," Ms Holgate said.

Can't make up the difference

"We can't make up for that change".

Ms Holgate said the Australian retail environment was still "challenging" and there was uncertainty in the market because of regulatory changes in China and how they would continue to impact on the behaviour of the Chinese entrepreneurs.

Sales in Australia for the December quarter were $90 million, compared with $68 million in the September quarter.

Chinese-influenced sales through Australian retailers remained down as buying patterns evolved, she said.

Blackmores overall net profit after tax for the first half of 2016-17 dropped by 41 per cent to $28.5 million, while revenues were 5.7 per cent lower at $322.1 million.

Blackmores has also cut its interim dividend payout by 35 per cent and will pay shareholders a $1.30 dividend on March 22.

Ms Holgate said the Chinese market was still both "complex and challenging". Direct sales by Blackmore into China were up by 92 per cent to almost $64 million for the half.

Blackmores biggest rival in Australia, Swisse, revealed a few weeks ago that demand was starting to return and large pharmacy chains in Australia were rebuilding their stocks.

Blackmores also revealed on Wednesday that its infant nutrition range developed in conjunction with Bega Cheese had been impacted by regulatory changes and volatile market conditions.

The company has booked a $2 million inventory provision as it continues to review the operations and its structure. Ms Holgate said Blackmores' timing hadn't been ideal. It launched in March and the infant formula market hit strife in April.

Blackmores' long-serving chairman and major shareholder Marcus Blackmore will take a "sabbatical" for up to six months starting in March, and the deputy chairman Stephen Chapman will take over as chairman on a temporary basis.

The soaring demand in 2014 and 2015 for the "clean and green" vitamins brands produced by Australian firms from Chinese buyers led to a huge spike in sales volumes for those businesses as Chinese entrepreneurs, known as daigou, bought up vast volumes of stock and sold them through online channels in China.

Blackmores has been aggressively marketing its vitamins in China using former Chinese tennis star Li Na as an ambassador.

For full coverage of today's earnings, go to the AFR Results Wrap Feb. 22