
Sammohanam delivers on an elusive quality

Riverside Theatres, February 19


Sammohanam translates as Enchantment, and there was a fair bit of that elusive quality in this performance of bharatanatyam dance and carnatic music from India.

Its focus is on Lord Krishna and the female adoration that surrounded him, individually and collectively. So the dance is overwhelmingly happy with just one brief and welcome interlude of drama – a disapproving family member, if I read it correctly.

This could have resulted in a saccharine mood but for the earthy music that pursues a rich range of nuances.

Malavika Sarukkai, the lone dancer, showed skill and stamina in her 90 minutes on stage. She is expert in the required stylised expression of emotions – mostly sweet, supplicating and simpering in these sequences – but doesn't take them deeper as some dancers manage to do.

Her supple arms are especially elegant and her fluttering hands are exquisite. Playfully, she appears to embellish her chosen traditional style with the occasional freewheeling riff closely linked to the music, but when she dances freely towards the end, her movement becomes less interesting.

In contrast, the featured singer, Aruna Sairam, offers a performance of natural vitality. Her deep voice charts sharp rhythms and swirling melodies to give them meaning and depth. She makes a memorable contribution, backed by an onstage ensemble of two drummers – some great playing from them – another singer, a violinist and a flautist.

Creative lighting and streamlined production complete the line-up of theatrical elements that help add enchantment.