
Resistance, Repression, and Media Lies in Philadelphia: Reportback from the Black Resistance March, 2/17/17

Donald Trump has taken to his soapbox to carp about “fake news,” as if the corporate news media were a subversive force. On the contrary, while biased or outright dishonest reporting is the rule...

Expanded Notes on the Police, their Predecessors, and the White Hell of Civil Society

Many people find it astonishing that the police have predecessors. They seem to imagine that the cop has always been there, in something like his present capacity, subject only to the periodic change of...

Santa María Ostula Denounces Detention of Five Members of the Community Police

Sierra-Costa of Michoacán February 7, 2017 To the people of Mexico and the world To the National Indigenous Congress To the Zapatista Army of National Liberation To the free media To the national and international media The Indigenous community of Santa...

Mexico City: Eviction of Barricade in Defense of Chanti Ollin

In the early morning of today, February 7th, at 12:15 am, members of the Chanti Ollin community transmitted live the beginning of the eviction of the barricade installed outside the occupied building by a...

Disrupt J20: The Fight Against Fascism and Fake News

With the recent hubbub about fake news I couldn’t help but think about the fact that most of the news we have consumed throughout our lives has been intentionally misleading and spun to fit...


For more than a decade, the COBP has denounced, through the International Day against Police Brutality, several themes of police: social cleansing, militarization, impunity, social / racial / political profiling, the slide towards more...

Philadelphia: Philly Antifa Respond to Police Attempts to Shut Down Public Event

Something was not quite right Saturday afternoon when Philly Antifa arrived at local anarchist bookstore, The Wooden Shoe, to set up for a free community event. Cops had been waiting outside the store as...

Philadelphia, PA: Police Harass Philly Antifa and Wooden Shoe Books

On Saturday January 28th Philly Antifa held an event at Wooden Shoe Books featuring anti-fascist researcher Matt Lyons of the blog threewayfight. Some people arriving at the event noticed an unusually large police presence...

No DAPL and GJ Resistance Banner Drop Olympia WA

On February 1st, we dropped a banner in Olympia, WA in solidarity with the indigenous struggle against the dakota access pipeline and in solidarity with everyone who is refusing to help the grand jury...

Oakland: Police Destroy ‘The Promised Land’ Community Village

Editor's Note: We got this story too late and already Oakland, CA police and city works employees have destroyed a beautiful DIY village on unused public land that was put up in response to the...