

NoDAPL Legal Updates

State repression continues unabated with five people facing federal charges regarding alleged October 27 activities. Michael “Rattler” Markus and James “Angry Bird” White are in custody while three remain at large, may they remain...

Support Krow, Water Protector-Penokee Defender, Letter Writing Campaign

Thank you for supporting Krow! This Eco-Warrior is currently in custody in the Morton County Corrections Center since February 4th 2017. Her current arrest stems from her being on probation for standing up as...

Updates on Sabal Trail Resistance

Over the last month many of you responded to the call Sabal Trail Resistance (STR) put out to mobilize around the Suwannee River pipeline drilling site over the MLK Day weekend. Thousands helped to...

New Haven, CT: DAPL-funding TD Bank Shut Down

On February 14, Valentine’s Day, four members of New Haven Stands with Standing Rock shut down the entrance to TD Bank, a funder of DAPL. Unable to cut though the lock boxes, police let...

Wanted Posters for #NoDAPL Targets

The NoDAPL Global Solidarity Campaign has called for a Week of Action from February 12th – 17th. The Army Corps has approved the final easement and drilling has begun! The Solidarity Campaign is asking for...

#NoDAPL Accomplices Solidarity Action

On Thursday February 4th a group of accomplices in Minneapolis took action in response to the Army Corps Of Engineers announcement granting Energy Transfer Partners the “right” to drill under Lake Oahe and complete...

Why the New Mexico City Airport Is a Megaproject of Death

Since 2001, the dignified and rebel Atenco's people, located in the Estado de México, have resisted the imposition of a mega-airport that, if built, would deprive hundreds of hectares of land to the farmers...

WA: Oil-Trains Disrupted in Solidarity with #NoDAPL

Anonymously Submitted to It's Going Down This is a claim of responsibility for causing disruption to the Pacific Northwest Corridor Rail Line north of Vancouver WA. On several occasions over the last few weeks, 6-Gauge Booster...

#NoDAPL: Repression Continues as Army Corps Grants Easement

On February 7th, 2017, the Army Corps of Engineers stated its intent to grant an easement to Dakota Access LLC, to cross Lake Oahe with the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). The easement is north...

To Save Water, We Must Break the Cycle of Colonial Trauma

The police came to Last Child Camp in broad daylight, with armored vehicles and guns drawn, to rip our people from our land.  Many water protectors were on prayer walks and in ceremony. We...