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149 reviews
Tell people what you think
Beryl Belieff Ludwig
· 23 December 2016
Gives me Hope. He still has hope and I believe he will get clemency. He will come home at last if we help. Together, writing letters and making numerous call...s. I have so much respect for this man who has held his head high. He has never given up and neither will his brothers and sisters. Thank you for this page. See more
LaOnda Clark
· 25 November 2016
Unfortunately, Obama released or commuted sentences of drug dealers. Please keep on his ass to see the logic on what he has done. Leonard Peltier has done his... time. These drug dealers have only one agenda...Celebrate and keep the drugs on the streets of our Nation!! Only because its easier to get their process going again. I have believed in Obama until this year...granted he is leaving office but his put down to our Native needs have to be addressed. The energy partnership are now suing the USCAE in federal court by saying they have the right to complete the pipeline. The USCAE did not give Dakota Access easement rights. See more
Eileen Sterling
· 6 September 2016
All good things, all ways. Good people, good friends, let's not give up hope. Leonard has been working for human rights all his life. Nothing, not even prison, has stopped him, closed his heart to good or made him give up hope. Blessings abound. Bring Leonard home.
John DV
· 23 November 2016
We need to stand up for indigenous rights like Leonard Peltier did. He is an innocent man who continues to fight oppression despite being locked up for being a ...political prisoner since he was 31. I am doing everything I can to try to get President Obama to free him by the end of his term. Will you join me? See more
Elke Gelzleichter
· 8 December 2016
Mr President,
Nelson Mandela, a civil rights activist, was "imprisoned" in South Africa for only 27 years, and Leonard Peltier has been detained in the so-calle...d "Land of the Free" for more than 40 years. Show size and grant the discharge of this sick person as one of your last instructions in your office time! See more
Martina Lauer
· 9 December 2016
Releasing Leonard Peltier is a necessary sign that the US is changing its attitude towards Native Americans. He is a political prisoner held for his defense of his culture and roots. The war on indigenous peoples must end. From Turtle Island to Palestine!
Cheyenne Carter
· 3 January 2017
It's so over time to have this put right, So much time has gone by, The Evidence has been false in the courts thousands of transcripts hidden away, Nothing can ...give Leonard the time back, but it must be put right now !!!!!!! Those who fitted Leonard up should be brought to trial, but will be very doubtful i would think much of the truth has actually been destroyed now even, So much corruption in Governments and the Powers that be gets covered up, May those who are to blame for Leonard's arrest and subsequent time in jail and his suffering there especially in his ill health get there just deserts for this Travesty. SO AT LEAST PUT THIS RIGHT NOW FINALLY........ See more
Yanah G. Cook
· 3 August 2016
I've been supporting efforts to free this innocent, brave, beautiful soul since he was first put on trial. I am so happy to know there is an International group working to obtain Leonard Peltier's freedom. If only Obama would pardon and exonerate him!
Lindsay Waite
· 3 January 2017
This Committee has made every effort to educate the public about this travesty of justice. I'm hopeful that there will be some great news soon.
Noel Woodard
· 7 October 2016
Have asked President Barack Obama to commute an unduly harsh sentence to resounding act of #humanity for #LeonardPeltier, and make him 775th commutation. him #clemency and freeing him will save his life.
Join Amnesty International in asking for #clemency for #LeonardPeltier
#LeonardPeltier... is serving two consecutive life sentences.' #RT to save him
[40 ans en prison et pas de soins médicaux./Demandez sa libération]
#Clemency for #LeonardPeltier, 71, suffering w/diabetes+diagnosed w/an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
#Leonard Peltier, an Anishinabe-Lakota Native American is serving two consecutive life sentences.'
'In the Spirit of Crazy Horse' please #RT(on Twitter) to save #LeonardPeltier's life. #PEACE
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Donna Byrd
· 27 September 2016
This group has fought long and hard to free our brother Leonard please continue to call the White House and email them! Prayers on smoke to the Creator
Laurie Mitchell Jones
· 8 September 2016
So many people seeing the truth, and trying to free an innocent man. This site is good medicine for the soul, trying to free the innocent. Leonard Peltier should be free, he is not guilty of the murders he was accused of doing.
Lorinda Morimoto
· 5 December 2016
This beautiful man has paid such a high price for being innocent and he has done so with such dignity. May he heal and may he be free.
Rosemary Blanchard
· 5 January 2017
Keep pressing Obama to pardon Leonard. Remember that there is a Facebook page for the White House, too. Use that in addition to calls and letters.
Elena Fairman
· 13 July 2016
Its a good committee for help Leonard Peltier release he should've been never imprisoned to begin with I am proud of his son n many others that are helping him get Clemency his father Leonard needs to be home with his people his heath is not good but to be home I do believe it'll make his heart happy n I know all our people too... See more
Brandy D Ramos
· 23 December 2016
Gives me hope that he has many people fighting for him. I pray that Obama will do the right thing and grant him clemency.
Tracey Ferguson
· 10 January 2017
I hope there's still a chance that Leonard will be released. Obama should do this for Leonard Peltier .... this is such a terrible injustice. I hope the recent letter from former FBI Agent, Jack Ryan will help. thanks for all that you do.
JJ Barrera
· 1 December 2015
People from all over the world are watching and waiting for Leonard Peltier to finally be released! Like this page! and Share the word! Call everyday for Leonar...d's release... White House comment line number is 202-456-1111 be cordial with the volunteer operator and leave the President a message to grant Leonard executive pardon. 40 years is a damn long time for an innocent person to be incarcerated! See more
Windy Childs
· 7 December 2016
freeing Leonard would also free us from extending retribution for violence on both sides
Chuck Kaufman
· 10 January 2017
I have again sent emails and messages. I believe if we all make a great effort these final days, it can happen.
Why is Peltier Still in Prison?
Freedom? (2012)
President Obama - Our Last Hope - Free Leonard Peltier

Clemency Denied but We Will Keep Fighting

Brothers, sisters, friends and supporters:

Our hearts are heavy today. President Obama has denied Leonard’s application for a commutation. His name appears on the January 18 list of commutations denied by Obama as issued by the Office of the Pardon Attorney. Leonard's attorney Martin Garbus was also notified. (Pardon Attorney's Letter:


Today, in an email, Leonard said, "If I should not [receive clemency] then after we are locked in for the day I will have a good cry and then pick myself up and get myself ready for another round of battles until I cannot fight [any] more. So, don’t worry. I can handle anything after over 40 years.”

It’s hard to bear such a blow, though. And make no mistake -- Leonard has been hit hardest of all. But let’s not mourn so very long. Instead, let’s move ever forward. Channel your grief and anger in a positive way. Remember that Leonard still needs our help. He needs quality health care and a transfer to a medium security facility, among other things. We’ll always work towards freedom for Leonard, but these actions may help to make his life more bearable until freedom is won.

Now, we urge you to write to Leonard and help to keep his spirits up. Tell him you won’t give up, that you’ll walk the rest of the way with him. Send cards and letters to:

Leonard Peltier #89637-132
USP Coleman I
PO Box 1033
Coleman, FL 33521

Thank you for your hard work and determination. Blessings to all of you.

Please stay tuned.

In solidarity,

International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

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Beyond Extreme Energy #BXE

"#PeltierNotPipelines" Action Camp Feb 23-26 in #Florida

#NoSTPL #NoFLPL #NoDAPL #STR #FTP #StopSpectra

Hosted by Sabal Trail Resistance - STR & Campaign to F...ight Toxic Prisons

Event Timing: Feb 23 - 26
Located roughly between Tampa and Orlando.

American Indian Movement (AIM) activist #LeonardPeltier has been in prison over 40 years as the result of a stand-off on Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota, which began February 27, 1973. He is currently held in Coleman federal prison, Florida, and the Sabal Trail pipeline activity is occurring several miles from the facility. Last month, the Obama Administration denied him clemency, potentially leaving him to die in prison. Days later, the Trump Administration declared a pipeline free for all across the same Lakota territories Peltier was fighting for...

For more info:

Register here:…/1BkPJRKvQpt4WWp4inWyHLja…/viewform

Contact us at

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The people of the Oteci Sakowin Resistance PRAYER Camp has til Wed Feb 22, @ 2pm to vacate the camp! PLEASE SHARE!

Shaun King


My dear friends in Standing Rock sent me this video, produced by women, featuring women, and asked me to share it with you. Militarized law enforcement ...have now surrounded their camp. In less than 48 hours, at 2pm on THIS WEDNESDAY, law enforcement will raid the camp and arrest any water protectors who attempt to remain.

THIS IS NOT OK. This is their treaty land. This is their water at stake.

Water Protectors are asking media, supporters and those who can come to come NOW. Right now. Please pay attention & share their truths. Come if you can. This is the front line in the battle against #TrumpTyranny.

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In the last few days of the Obama administration, most of us in the “Free Leonard Peltier’ clemency campaign were optimistic that President Obama would r...
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Ruth Cankudutawin Hopkins

The mayor of New York City is calling on all 17 banks to stop financing the Dakota Access Pipeline. He sent an official letter to each informing them of the dangers!

Some information about Dakota Access Pipeline

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Wasté Win Young

The North Dakota Public Utilities Commission voted against the original route because if there were a catastrophic failure (pipeline break) it would have endang...ered the drinking supply for the cities of Mandan and Bismarck. Next best option? Next to Standing Rock.
We said NO from the get go. But they proceeded anyway. #NoDapl

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The Oglala Sioux Tribal members get their drinking WATER piped in from the Missouri River! And so do millions of people and cities! WHY are they NOT PROTECTING THEIR PEOPLE! Wake Up! #MniWiconi #NODAPL

Oglala Sioux Tribe - OST

For Immediate Release
Oglala Sioux Tribe Files Suit against U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
to Stop Dakota Access Pipeline

February 13, 2017


Rapid City, SD––Today the Oglala Sioux Tribe announced that it has filed suit against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to halt the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). The Tribe filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, asserting that the Corps has violated its treaty rights, the federal trust responsibility, and federal environmental law.

Oglala Sioux Tribe President Troy "Scott" Weston said, "After the Corps granted the easement for the DAPL to cross under Lake Oahe and stopped the Environmental Impact Statement process, we really had no choice but to go to court to protect our rights under the 1851 and 1868 Fort Laramie Treaties to safe drinking water." President Weston stated that the Tribe had worked for months with its fellow Sioux Tribes to seek a resolution through the administrative process, which ultimately resulted in the Corps deciding to perform a full Environmental Impact Statement for the DAPL. He said, however, that the Corps' latest actions demonstrated that the agency would not honor the Tribe's treaties by protecting the Missouri River and the Tribe from the threat of an oil spill.

In addition to the Tribe's treaty-protected water rights in the Missouri River, the Tribe operates the Mni Wiconi Project, which is a rural water supply project established by the Mni Wiconi Project Act of 1988. The Mni Wiconi Project provides safe drinking water to the Pine Ridge Reservation in addition to the Rosebud Reservation, Lower Brule Reservation, and the non-Indian West River/Lyman Jones water district in South Dakota. The Tribal components of the Mni Wiconi Project are held in trust by the United States for the benefit of the tribes.

President Weston said "the Dakota Access Pipeline was approved without even considering impacts to our water rights and our drinking water. The Oglala Sioux Tribe will continue to do everything we can to stop the pipeline and to protect the water protectors who are defending the sacred waters of the Missouri River."

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Political Prisoners in the GENOCIDAL WAR against many Indian Nations didn't start in Wounded Knee, Oglala or Standing Rock! GENOCIDE has been going on for GENERATIONS and GENERATIONS! Leonard Peltier was TARGETED like so many PEOPLE who believe we can make CHANGE and GET OFF OUR KNEES!! LIBERATION AT OTECI SAKOWIN CAMP!!

"Every Indian policy advisor has always said don't assert a treaty claim because it may set a bad precedent in an unfriendly court. We have lived and kno...wn fear for several gunshy generations. Now we have the support of the world for a peaceful, prayerful assertion of our inherent, original authority to determine our own destiny in real life, on the ground not in the courts or in academia. The elected leaders of the Lakota nation need to now throw their moral, legal & spiritual authority behind the water protectors. The Cheyenne River, Oglala, & Rosebud Sioux Nations may never get this opportunity again. Feb 23 we must be ready for a raid, a removal of all unauthorized structures & debris in the north camp. They're slowly choking us back into subservience, where we've died a slow genocide the last 140 years." Chase IronEyes

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Posted by Moonie

"Conspiracy to be free by Russell Means" Must watch and share!


Open letter from Paul Winters to Obama regarding Leonard's clemency denial.

January 20th, 2017 I am stunned by President Obama’s denial of pardon to Native American political prisoner Leonard Peltier, who has been in prison now for 41 years after having been railroaded int...

Greetings Sisters, brother's and supporters,

I know I'm late in getting the Feb, 6th 2017 statement out, i have been waiting on some info that I wanted to mention that is very important to MY case and very possible my release. But reorganizing the committee has slowed us up and and caused a lot of distractions to keep us moving forward on the moving/reopening of the ILPDC.

Thanks to Kari and Paulette we are almost there in reorganizing the Committee. They have found office sp...

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teleSUR English

Instead of pardon, Obama gave Leonard Peltier a death sentence.

Morton County Police aka DAPL men used barbaric unhuman treatment of Water Protectors inside jails These are the Political Prisoners TODAY! Read how they are treated after raid of Last Child Camp. #FREEALLPOLITCALPRISONERS #FREELEONARDPELTIER #MniWiconi #WaterIsLife

HolyElk Lafferty

When our bus pulled in to the Morton County facility, we saw that the bus before us had already unloaded the other Water Protectors into the dog kennels and the...y had been stripped down to their base layer of clothing and it was freezing cold in the garage.

There were police officers and National Guards standing around casually eating pizza and joking with each other. From my window I had a view of the cage where they were holding the men. I could hear them singing and chanting #mniwiconi to keep their spirits up. It felt good to hear that, I felt connected to them even though they were outside of the bus we were on because we are all one heart, one mind and one prayer.

As we were looking out the window, someone pointed out that 2 National Guard officers were taking selfies with their personal phones with a view of the men in the cage behind them. Sure enough, there they were smiling and laughing as they posed and snapped pictures of our Water Protector brothers in cages behind them who were doing their best to hold each other's spirits up. It was disgusting to see them take such pleasure in it.

We sat on the bus for hours and most of us had to pee so bad but our requests to use the bathroom were denied. At one point the female guard said "ok, stand up if you have to go bathroom and can't hold it" so we all stood up. She laughed and walked off the bus. I was in the very back of the bus and a young woman who was in the seat across the aisle couldn't hold it anymore and pee'd in her pants then jumped out of the back of the bus with zip ties still on. I assume they took her to get cleaned up but I never saw her again after that. When they had our bags labeled there was a Jane Doe bag that none of us recognized so it may have been hers.

My zip ties were hurting so bad and my hands were swollen. My right eye was hurting and I couldnt see out of it but I just tried to meditate through all of that because I knew it wouldn't do any good to ask for help. My nose and mouth still had dried mud on it and my friend Tiffany kept offering to let me wipe it on her scarf but I felt bad doing that so I just let it be. Eventually they started taking us off the bus to do mug shots and bag our clothes before we went into the kennels. When it was my turn I lilililiiii 'd towards the men's cage so my brothers would feel my love and they responded with Akiša's, war cries and shouts of "I love you!"

I hadn't slept for so long and tried to lay on the concrete inside the cage to sleep but all it did was chill me to the bone so I just sat up and waited for what felt like hours more until they took us up to our jail cells. A reporter was in there with us and she asked the jailer for her phone call but he flipped out on her and basically said we shouldn't push his kindness, like it was a gift to us.

They told us that they were going to be shipping our brothers and sisters off to several different locations and my heart sank for them. I had no idea in that moment the torture they would endure during their transfer but I already hurt for them.

There's so much running through my mind constantly.. memories of what happened and images of people I love being hurt. Some things I may never share with anyone aside from those who already know because they lived it with me. I'm trying not to let these things break my heart. It's my burden to carry and I pray for strength to do it gracefully and not let it harden my heart.

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Jean Roach

No JUSTICE for Leonard Peltier! No JUSTICE FOR ALL!
41 years ago Leonard was captured by the colonial US government! TODAY he remains a Political Prisoner and Hostage in this generational GENOCIDAL WAR against Indigenous Nations! #FreeLeonardPeltier

Chemical Warfare Against Water Protectors. Used Rat poison and uranium 235 causing GLASS LUNG aka DAPL COUGH! Everyone needs to be checked!


WATER PROTECTORS are Political Prisoners like Leonard Peltier

Lakota People's Law Project

BREAKING: CHASE IRON EYES ARRESTED AND BEING HELD. On Wednesday morning, LPLP attorney Chase IronEyes and a group of approximately 40 #WaterProtectors lit a fire and established the new "Last Child's Camp", on high ground near the #DAPL construction site. Later in the day, militarized police dismantled the HWY 1806 barricade and assembled at the end of the road. This evening, armed officers moved in, cleared the camp, and arrested a number of the peaceful protectors—including Chase. #FreeChase

Here are three actions you can take RIGHT NOW:
1) SEND a message to your representatives in Congress and tell them that a full and thorough environmental review of the pipeline must be conducted. You can do this automatically at
2) DONATE to LPLP today to ensure that we have the resources to carry this fight forward on all fronts.
3) SHARE this post and these actions with your networks.
#NoDAPL #MniWiconi #WaterIsLife

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The ILPDC is the hub of communication about Leonard Peltier, his case, and efforts to secure his freedom.