
What Would It Take to Stop the Ice Raids?

Over the past week, nearly 700 people have been rounded up in a wave of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) sweeps across the US. In response, people have blockaded roads and ICE vans and...

Highly Militarized ICE Raids on California’s Central Coast

On Monday, February 13 at approximately 4:45 AM in the Beach Flats neighborhood, armored vehicles and soldiers with machine guns were escorted by Santa Cruz police. They broke down doors, detained women and children,...

New Posters and Flyers Against the ICE Raids, for an Early American Spring Here is a suite of new propaganda against the #MuslimBan and ICE raids that are escalating across the country. Please print massive stacks of these to cover your neighborhoods, campuses, and downtown. It's shaping...

ICE Raids: Anger Builds As Trump Moves to Target Millions

On Wednesday, February 9th mass protests broke out that led to a freeway blockade in Los Angeles, California after a confirmed 160 people were arrested and detained via immigration sweeps carried out by ICE and...

Phoenix, AZ: People Attempt to Block ICE Deportation Van; Take to Street

Photo from @bmoffatphotos From occupied Akimel O’odham territory (Phoenix, AZ) Seven people were arrested in Phoenix by police after blocking a van with detainees in an attempt to halt the deportation of Guadalupe Garcia. Garcia, an...

Beyond symbolism … for a Solidarity City!

This morning, the City of Montreal Executive Committee is expected to take the first steps to declare Montreal a “Sanctuary City”, similar to the hundreds of Sanctuary Cities that already exist in the United...

As the Right Urges You To Fear Refugees, Antifa Are Fighting ISIS

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." -Malcolm X Since the inauguration of Donald Trump, the far-Right...

Trump and the New Battle Lines of Tech Capital

“Do I need to go down and get the certificate that says I’m CEO of the company to get you to stop challenging me on this?” -Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO The situation in Seattle is extremely...

Beating Milo: How Berkeley Defeated the Alt-Right’s Biggest Troll

If you were involved last night, thank you. I've never felt safer on campus than I did when you walked in! It felt so affirming for someone to stand up against misogyny on a...

For a United, Working Class Defense of Muslim Communities

Trump, his white nationalist advisers and their fascist supporters are openly attacking Muslim communities. Trump’s authoritarian ban on refugees from Syria and on travelers, immigrants, students and refugees from a total of seven majority...