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Generation after generation of sun watchers help provide a continuous stream of data on the sun and its influence on Earth and surrounding space
A report by Oxfam says Indonesia, with a population of more than 250 million, has the sixth-worst inequality in the world
In meetings with Obama administration before inauguration last month, President Trump is warned about threats from North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile program, and urged to seek China's support and cooperation
As Beijing befriends more of its neighbors, this year it may approve the precursor to a long-awaited maritime code of conduct with 10 Southeast Asian countries
It was the third such flight since late last year, drawing protests from Amnesty International and left-wing opposition parties
Offensive also targeting for first time most populous province of Punjab
Annual report says civic groups in region “relentlessly threatened” amid rights set-backs over past year
Most of the Rohingya who fled torture and rights abuses in recent months have sought refuge in Bangladesh
Officials say stricter curbs on visas for foreign professionals will adversely impact country's technology industry
The court found that Chaem did not fall under their jurisdiction because she was not a senior leader of the Khmer Rouge or one of the most responsible officials
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