Judge Calls For Additional Safeguards In NYPD Surveillance Rules

Cyrus McGoldrick, takes a photo with his cell phone of an anti-Muslim poster in New York’s Times Square subway station. Thirty-three key organizations promoting anti-Muslim sentiment had access to a combined budget of $205,838,077 between 2008 and 2013 alone.

BY Staff of ACLU – NEW YORK – In a legal challenge to the New York City Police Department’s surveillance of American Muslims, a federal judge issued a ruling calling for alterations to a landmark lawsuit settlement as a condition of approving the settlement. The alterations proposed by the judge would further strengthen the settlement’s ability to protect New York Muslims and others from discriminatory and unjustified surveillance.

Walking Tour Of New York's Massive Surveillance Network


By Cora Currier for The Intercept. New York City – Earlier this month, on the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the lower tip of Manhattan was thronged with soldiers in uniform, firefighters marching with photos of lost friends pinned to their backpacks, and tourists bumbling around the new mall at the World Trade Center. Firetrucks and police cars ringed Zuccotti Park and white ribbons adorned the iron fence around the churchyard on Broadway. Trash cans were closed up, with signs announcing “temporary security lockdown.” So it felt a bit risky to be climbing up a street pole on Wall Street to closely inspect a microwave radar sensor, or to be lingering under a police camera, pointing and gesturing at the wires and antenna connected to it. Yet it was also entirely appropriate to be doing just that…

Report Need To Rein In NYPD Surveillance Of US Muslims

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By Staff of NYCLU – The NYPD Inspector General today released a report that examined the NYPD’s compliance with the HandschuGuidelines — which protect New Yorkers’ lawful political and religious activities from unwarranted surveillance – while investigating a sample of cases closed between 2010 and 2015 that mostly involved American Muslims. The report found that the NYPD failed to adhere to important safeguards that protect people’s rights and the integrity of investigations

NYPD Cop Secretly Records Supervisor Telling Him To Racially Profile

NYPD (Photo: Dave Hosford)

By Nathan Wellman for U.S. Uncut – A recording of an NYPD officer appearing to pressure a transit officer to specifically target black men has just been released by Gawker. The recording was provided to the New York Daily News for a story released in January, but the actual audio was not released to the public until now. Although the full recording is 36 minutes long, only a two-minute excerpt has been released.

Hillary Clinton And Chuck Schumer Teaming Up With NYPD

Oregon Department of Transportation / Public Domain

By Sarah Lazare for AlterNet – Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton are teaming up with the NYPD to request high levels of funding for a federal “counter-terror” program that is directly bankrolling the militarization of police forces nationwide. To secure the funds, they are invoking the threat of terrorism and exploiting the climate of fear and incitement that has come to define the 2016 election cycle. At issue is the the Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI), which was created in 2003 as a Department of Homeland Security grant program aimed at assisting “high-threat, high-density Urban Areas…

NYPD’s Arrests Of Citizen Journalists Should Spark Outrage

Copwatching activist Dennis Flores is arrested (on traffic island) at a protest in The Bronx. (image: AshAgony)

By Josmar Trujillo for FAIR – Last week, New York City police officers arrested four well-known activists for filming them. Copwatchers—people who regularly film and document police activity—have often been targeted by cops who don’t want to be recorded, despite reminders that recording police interactions is legal in the city. While legal protections for filming police are still unclear in some parts of the country, the invaluable role that copwatchers play as journalists—acting as the eyes, ears and media of the streets—deserves to be recognized.

NYPD Officer Who Shot Ramarley Graham Won’t Be Charged

Officer Richard Haste (left) at a hearing in May, 2013 for the fatal shooting Ramarley Graham in 2012. Photo: Robert Kalfus; G.N. Miller

By Lia Eustachewich for New York Post – A federal grand jury will not be convened to weigh criminal charges in the police-involved shooting death of Bronx teen Ramarley Graham, officials announced Tuesday in closing the 2012 case. US Attorney Preet Bharara’s office had been investigating since 2014 whether Graham’s civil rights were violated – but concluded there was “insufficient evidence to meet the high burden of proof required for a federal criminal civil rights prosecution.”

In Dangerous Precedent, NYPD Moves To Make Resisting Arrest Felony

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By Staff of Mint Press News – On Wednesday, NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton urged state legislators to consider increasing the penalty for resisting arrest from a misdemeanor to a felony. The change, he argued, would help New Yorkers “get around this idea that you can resist arrest. You can’t.” It would also give cops an easy way to turn victims of their own worst impulses into the worst class of criminal. In theory, a resisting arrest charge allows the state to further punish suspects who endanger the safety of police officers as they’re being apprehended…

The Consequences For Videographer Who Exposed Eric Garner’s Death

Ramsey Orta stands second from the left with other Copwatch activists. A resident of Staten Island, Orta has endured repeated harassment from the NYPD since his phone video of the police killing of Eric Garner went viral. Courtesy of Copwatch.

By Luna Olavarría Gallegos for The Indypendent – “Yeah, I knew what I was recording, but I didn’t think he was going to die.” This is how Ramsey Orta responds when I ask him what was going through his head when he shot the video of Eric Garner’s death. Orta tells me that just a week before, he had filmed a video of his friend getting beat up by the cops on the same Staten Island block where Garner was choked by Officer Daniel Pantaleo. It has been eighteen months since the world watched the scene unfold through Orta’s cellphone and just over a year since a grand jury declined to indict Officer Pantaleo, and still, Orta is not able to keep the incident in the past…

NYPD Has Secretly Been Spying On Cell Phones Since 2008

This undated handout photo shows the StingRay II, manufactured by Harris Corporation, which simulates being a cellular site for surveillance purposes.

By Ryan Grenoble for The Huffington Post – The New York Police Department has secretly tracked cell phones more than 1,000 times between 2008 and 2015, documents obtained by the New York Civil Liberties Union show. The documents, released only after an inquiry under the state’s Freedom Of Information Law, or FOIL, reveal for the first time the NYPD owns and uses Stingrays. Stingrays, also known as cell-site simulators, are devices that mimic cell phone towers, then collect information from phones that attempt to connect to them. That information allows police to pinpoint a person’s location.

Officials Outraged: Report NYPD Kicking People Out Of Homes

Asia Short lost her Queens apartment as the result of a nuisance abatement action. (Edwin Torres for ProPublica)(Edwin Torres for ProPublica)

New York City officials said reforms were needed after our investigation showed that the police have been locking out residents who haven’t been charged with a crime.

This story was co-published with the New York Daily News.

By Sarah Ryley for ProPublica and the New York Daily News – A wide swath of public officials are calling for change in response to a Daily News and ProPublica investigation about the NYPD’s use of an obscure type of lawsuit to boot hundreds of people from homes. The cases are happening almost exclusively in minority neighborhoods. Several city council members said they were considering amendments and other reforms to safeguard abuses. Council Member Vanessa L. Gibson said the statistics included in the story are “shocking.”

Leaked NYPD Union Docs: City Agrees To Cover Up Police Abuse

Files released following the hacking of the country’s biggest police union show guarantees of secrecy over disciplinary records, a Guardian analysis finds. Alamy

Guardian analysis of dozens of contracts revealed by hackers shows more than a third allow or require destruction of civilian complaint records

By George Joseph for The Guardian – Contracts between police and city authorities, leaked after hackers breached the website of the country’s biggest law enforcement union, contain guarantees that disciplinary records and complaints made against officers are kept secret or even destroyed. A Guardian analysis of dozens of contracts obtained from the servers of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) found that more than a third featured clauses allowing – and often mandating – the destruction of records of civilian complaints, departmental investigations, or disciplinary actions after a negotiated period of time.

Manslaughter Charge Dropped For Son Of NY Cop

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By Keegan Stephan for PINAC. New York City – Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance this week dropped the manslaughter charge against the ex-con son of a well-connected NYPD family who was caught on video driving onto a sidewalk while texting before striking and killing an outspoken civil rights activist, then fleeing the scene on foot and evading police for more than two months, all while he was on parole after serving a three-year prison stint on drug charges. The victim was Charity Hicks, the policy director for the East Michigan Environmental Action Council and a well-known activist in the struggle for environmental justice in Detroit, especially the struggle for access to clean water.

NY Board Finds Cop Used Excessive Force Against Occupier

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By Keegan Stephan for PINAC – The Civilian Complaint Review Board, the New York City agency that investigates cases of NYPD misconduct, has substantiated complaints of a police sergeant using a chokehold on a Black Lives Matter protester that I caught on video in August of last year. The banned maneuver, which contributed to the death of Eric Garner, sparking Black Lives Matter demonstrations in New York City, was deployed during the arrest of two protesters at a “People’s Monday” action, a weekly demonstration that highlights cases of police brutality from around the country, and which has regularly been met with police brutality.

Documents Uncover NYPD’s Vast License Plate Reader Database

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By Mariko Hirose for The Huffington Post – With these stories firmly in mind, the New York Civil Liberties Union’s latest license plate reader discovery is all the more chilling. Last year, we learned that the NYPD was hoping to enter into a multi-year contract that would give it access to the nationwide database of license plate reader data owned by the company Vigilant Solutions. Now, through a Freedom of Information Law request, the NYCLU has obtained the final version of the $442,500 contract and the scope-of-work proposal that gives a peek into the ever-widening world of surveillance made possible by Vigilant.