
UW-Seattle Shooting Victim is Anti-Racist Organizer; Victim was de-escalating conflict at protest when shot

UW-Seattle Shooting Victim is Anti-Racist Organizer ; Victim was de-escalating conflict at protest when shot. The victim of the shooting at University of Washington's Seattle Campus (UW-Seattle) on Friday, January 20, 2017, is a member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and the IWW's General Defense Committee (GDC), an anti-racist and anti-fascist organization. He was present at the protests against Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos on Friday night to oppose Milo's hateful speech, which encourages violence towards minority groups, and has resulted in actual violence in the past. The victim spent the period prior to being shot de-escalating conflicts between protesters and counter-protesters.


Philando Castile, Police Murder, and Legal Farce

Lawyers defending police officer Jeronimo Yanez claimed today that Philando Castile was high on marijuana when Yanez murdered him on July 6, 2016. They claim that if Philando was high, he was therefore responsible for his own death. The legal system pretends to treat police officers suspected of murder the same way it treats civilians accused of murder. It … Continue reading Philando Castile, Police Murder, and Legal Farce