UW-Seattle Shooting Victim is Anti-Racist Organizer; Victim was de-escalating conflict at protest when shot

UW-Seattle Shooting Victim is Anti-Racist Organizer ; Victim was de-escalating conflict at protest when shot. The victim of the shooting at University of Washington's Seattle Campus (UW-Seattle) on Friday, January 20, 2017, is a member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and the IWW's General Defense Committee (GDC), an anti-racist and anti-fascist organization. He was present at the protests against Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos on Friday night to oppose Milo's hateful speech, which encourages violence towards minority groups, and has resulted in actual violence in the past. The victim spent the period prior to being shot de-escalating conflicts between protesters and counter-protesters.

A Crossroads in Saint Cloud: Culture War or Rebuilding Together

This is a long form essay on the situation in Saint Cloud following the knife attack by Dirhan Adan, the backlash against Somalis that followed, and the resistance to that backlash. Written in several sections, it explores how the anti-refugee far right is using Islamophobia as a cover for their attack on the working class, compares and contrasts this anti-immigrant sentiment with the historical anti-German sentiment that helped form St Cloud's history of tension and resistance, and analyzes the city's economic conditions. It puts forward a call for community working class unity to push for housing, wages, and jobs, and against attempts by the far right to push cultural warfare.

Twin Cities GDC Calls for Mobilization at Donald Trump Fundraiser

The Twin Cities General Defense Committee Local 14 of the Industrial Workers of the World calls for all anti-racists and anti-fascists who want to put a stop to Donald Trump’s racist agenda to converge in Minneapolis on Friday the 19th to confront Trump and his hateful supporters.  Donald Trump’s campaign has been a crusade against … Continue reading Twin Cities GDC Calls for Mobilization at Donald Trump Fundraiser