
Fascist Group Identity Evropa Begins Poster Campaign, Anti-Fascists Respond

Submitted to It's Going Down Identity Evropa (IE) is a white nationalist and fascist formation headed by Nathan Damigo, a veteran and former leader of the National Youth Front (NYF), which was the youth wing of...

Beating Milo: How Berkeley Defeated the Alt-Right’s Biggest Troll

If you were involved last night, thank you. I've never felt safer on campus than I did when you walked in! It felt so affirming for someone to stand up against misogyny on a...

Rubber Bullets and MAGA Hats: My Account of #MiloatCal

So. I was at the UC Berkeley protest of Milo Yiannopoulos and I am super tired already of all the news reports I’m seeing with a vastly altered timeline or the tweets I’m seeing...

Knocking on Richard Spencer’s Door: Montana Antifa Out Organizes Nazis

Submitted to It's Going Down When Andrew Anglin issued his call for an armed rally against the Jewish residents of Whitefish a month ago the working-class militants, radical leftists and antifascists of western Montana didn't waste...

Fremont, CA: Milo’s Bus Vandalized As Alt-Right Troll Laughed Out of Bay Area

It seems no rich-kid fascist is safe! First, trust fund 'fashy haircut' and 'meme to end all memes' Richard Spencer has all the moles on his face knocked loose after seeing his favorite billionaire sworn...

The Courage of the Black Bloc: Videos and Updates from DC by Crimethinc

From Crimethinc Every reactionary who has ever accused participants in black bloc actions of cowardice should watch this video in which a group of demonstrators who have been kettled by police charge the police line. If...

Nathan Damigo Exposed: Identity Evropa Leader Operating Out Of CSU Stanislaus

From Northern California Anti-Racist Action (NoCARA) Download, Print, and Read Flyer Here Recently, the president of CSU Sacramento called up the president of CSU Stanislaus, a campus located in the Central Valley town of Turlock, CA. The...

Call for a Militant Femme Bloc at Women’s March on Washington!

Submitted to Its Going Down: We call for militant femme and queer folk to march together at the "Women's march in Washington" in a rowdy femme bloc! The erasure of militant femmes by white liberal feminist...

Against the Charges. Against the Cops. Against the Nazis: Update from the struggle in...

Submitted to It's Going Down Sunday, August 30th: In anticipation of the coming week, the city is covered in anti-police graffiti and posters, most prevalent is the statement: No Cops, No Charges. Wednesday, September 2nd: At a 2pm...

#NoDAPL Indigenous Land Defense & Strategic Solidarity: Pressuring Power and Capital

Submitted to It's Going Down “It was impossible for us to get a bank account in this country, or insurance coverage in this country, and unfortunately we lost a lot of shareholders as well ...