Authors Posts by CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

Crimethink is everything that evades control: the daydream in the classroom, the renegade breaking ranks, the spray-painted walls that continue to speak even under martial law. It is the persistent sense that things could be otherwise, that there is nothing natural or inevitable about the prevailing social order. In a world optimized for administration, everything that cannot be classified or displayed on a screen is crimethink. It is the spirit of rebellion without which freedom is literally unthinkable.

Resistance, Repression, and Media Lies in Philadelphia: Reportback from the Black Resistance March, 2/17/17

Donald Trump has taken to his soapbox to carp about “fake news,” as if the corporate news media were a subversive force. On the...

Take the Offensive: Moving from Protest to Resistance

It’s time to strategize. Is it more realistic to set out to overturn the Muslim ban, halt further construction of the border wall, help...

Say It with Barricades : The Difference between Peace and Love

What do anarchists mean when we talk about love? For some the word is inextricably associated with pacifism. Spiritual leaders like Martin Luther King,...

How to Survive a Felony Trial: Keeping Your Head up through the Worst of...

This article is for anyone facing prison time as a result of participating in the struggle for a socially and ecologically sustainable future for...

Affinity Groups: Essential Building Block of Anarchist Organization

Download Print Version Here Turbulent times are upon us. Already, blockades, demonstrations, riots, and clashes are occurring regularly. It’s past time to be organizing for...

It’s Not Your Speech, Milo: Understanding the UC Berkeley Protests

On Wednesday, February 1, noted misogynist and Islamophobe Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak at the University of California at Berkeley. Fierce protests forced...

This Is Not a Dialogue: Not Just Free Speech, but Freedom Itself

Maybe you missed this, but you’re not in a dialogue. Your views are beside the point. Argue all you want—your adversaries are glad to...

Making the Best of Mass Arrests : 12 Lessons from the Kettle During the...

From Crimethinc January 20, 2017 saw the fiercest resistance to a presidential inauguration in US history. The day also saw well over 100 demonstrators surrounded by...

What Counts as Violence? : Why the Right Can Shoot Us Now

From Crimethinc A long-time anti-fascist was shot Friday night during a protest of alt-right racist and troll Milo Yiannopoulos, in the middle of a crowded...

The New Reality: Reports from J20 in Seattle

From Crimethinc This communiqué from comrades in Seattle comes to us as the night is ending there. They offer it as a partial report of the...