Still Cameras, Still Targets

Anarchists hate cameras. We love games. That’s why some friends in the Sud-West took up the call to play CAMOVER. Masked up in black...

How To Do Operational PGP

This is a guide on how to email securely. There are many guides on how to install and use PGP to encrypt email. This is...

Resist! All Day, Every Day! An Update from RAMPS

2016 was an eventful year for us– from setting down roots in the Coal River Valley to supporting the ongoing resistance at Standing Rock....

The Bolshevik Myth Reloaded

We are republishing this piece as part of our series of articles and social media postings relating to the 100 year anniversary of the...

Take the Offensive: Moving from Protest to Resistance

It’s time to strategize. Is it more realistic to set out to overturn the Muslim ban, halt further construction of the border wall, help...

ROAR: Why we Need a Conference on Revolutionary Organizing Against Racism

Donate Here To be a revolutionary means to be anti racist. American style apartheid is a necessary part of every aspect of this genocidal, leech of...

Conflict in the Twin Cities 2016

Download PDF Here The year 2016 was a tumultuous year for everyone. For anarchists living in the Twin Cities, it was a year marked with a...

Say It with Barricades : The Difference between Peace and Love

What do anarchists mean when we talk about love? For some the word is inextricably associated with pacifism. Spiritual leaders like Martin Luther King,...

My Family Tradition: Punching Nazis

When I was a kid growing up, I used to love my grandfather Milton’s stories.  “Pop-Pop” as we called him, was in WWII and...

Antifa Worldwide: A Brief History of International Antifascism

Fascism, as we know it today, came amid the sweeping nationalism accompanying World War I. Numerous leftists shifting from left to right ported their...

Community Radio Hueyapan 105.5 is Born: “Another Step Toward Self-Government”

In a small town in the east of Morelos, in a small space of the municipal building, on a small desk—made with wood from...

Not Just In the Streets: Anarchists in the Media

Anarchists, The president is tweeting about us. We’re on the front page of the New York Times. Journalists are clamoring to report on us. Right...