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For Windows, iOS, NodeJS, Ruby and more
What's new in Outlook Dev Center?
Add-ins are now available for Outlook on iOS
We’re now excited to bring add-ins to Outlook mobile, starting with Outlook on IOS, with support for Android coming...
Pinnable Taskpane in Outlook 2016
Have your add-in users been asking you for the ability to leave the add-in taskpane open in their mailbox as they...
Add-in Commands in OWA and Outlook on the Mac
Add-ins are a great way to increase usage of your apps by making them accessible directly within Outlook. We previously...
Update to Filtering and Sorting in the REST APIs
We recently deployed a breaking change to the Microsoft Graph V1.0 and the Outlook V1.0 & 2.0 endpoints to address a...
Actionable messages developer documentation now available
In September, we announced Actionable message for connectors and email in preview. We are excited to announce the...
Outlook Add-ins
Outlook add-ins use HTML and JavaScript to bring your features right into the user's Outlook experience on phones, tablets, desktops, and the web. Start with a Hello World example, or dig into the reference.
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Connectors for Outlook
Office 365 Connectors are a great way to get useful information and content into your Office 365 Group.
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Outlook REST APIs
Outlook REST APIs bring features like mail, calendars, and contacts for Office 365 users and users into your app. Let us show you how you can integrate in just 10 minutes, or jump right into the reference. These APIs are also available at the Microsoft Graph endpoint.
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