
IGDCAST: Service Workers Revolt!

Across the US, mainstream unions are looking to cuts tens of millions of dollars from their budgets in the face of feared attacks under the new regime, as some of the heads of big...

First, They Shot the Anarchists: Trump and ‘The New Normal’

The riots that took place during Trump's inauguration as well as in Berkeley, California against Breitbart editor and Alt-Right troll Milo Yiannopoulos, have rocked the political establishment, created a collective gasp of disdain from...

#NoDAPL: Repression Continues as Army Corps Grants Easement

On February 7th, 2017, the Army Corps of Engineers stated its intent to grant an easement to Dakota Access LLC, to cross Lake Oahe with the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). The easement is north...

Accounts of Police Brutality and Socialist Alternative Co-option at SeaTac #MuslimBan Protest

Submitted to It's Going Down Collected here are accounts and analysis from people who were on the escalators and faced police violence while occupying SeaTac demanding detainees be released on 1/28/17. Account 1 "I want to make sure...

Bannon and Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’ Part of Wider Strategy for Mass Crackdown

Originally published to It's Going Down The recent executive orders signed by Donald Trump on Friday officially stopped the entry of green-card holders, upwards of 500,000 people, from re-entering the United States, as well as stopping...