Thoughts on Two Marches and Community Policing in Tucson

Two marches took place this past week on occupied Tohono O’odham land, Tucson, AZ, both of which began with different tones and stated intentions and which met different responses on the part of the...

Bill Maher Shows Us Why You Can’t Platform Fascists

On Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher invited the white nationalist Milo Yiannopoulos onto the show to discuss the recent string of deplatforming protests that have taken place over the past few months. After the...

What Would It Take to Stop the Ice Raids?

Over the past week, nearly 700 people have been rounded up in a wave of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) sweeps across the US. In response, people have blockaded roads and ICE vans and...

Love Trumps Hate? Liberalism’s False Opposition to Trump

Download and Print Here In the last few months, a tide of popular defiance to the Trump regime has rolled across the country. His ‘peaceful transition’ of power was undermined by rioting in the capitol of...

Forming An Antifa Group: A Manual

Download Here Anti-fascist groups, often called “antifa,” are popping up all around the United States, and a number of people have asked us for advice on forming a group. Because antifa work is different from other...

Take the Offensive: Moving from Protest to Resistance

It’s time to strategize. Is it more realistic to set out to overturn the Muslim ban, halt further construction of the border wall, help our friends and loved ones evade ICE roundups, stop the...

My Family Tradition: Punching Nazis

When I was a kid growing up, I used to love my grandfather Milton’s stories.  “Pop-Pop” as we called him, was in WWII and as a ten year old, of course, war stories were...

Berkeley Behind the Bandana

In the glare of the fire and in the throngs of protestors I see a friend and former professor of mine I haven't seen in a while. I jump from the ledge I'm standing...

Relentless: An Interview with Coyote Acabo

Reading Online Print PDF Here This interview was conducted in the winter of 2014, shortly after Coyote had arrived to Olympia, WA to resettle after a 16 year stint in the Nevada prison system. This conversation on...

ICE Raids: Anger Builds As Trump Moves to Target Millions

On Wednesday, February 9th mass protests broke out that led to a freeway blockade in Los Angeles, California after a confirmed 160 people were arrested and detained via immigration sweeps carried out by ICE and...