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Anti-Fascist News

Anti-Fascist news was birthed out of organizers and writers who care about anti-fascist and anti-racist struggle as an important area for radical and left politics. As we enter into periods of capitalist crisis, the rise of the far-right will continue to be a threat, and we intend to provide news and analysis that can be useful to organizers and anti-racists.

Antifa Worldwide: A Brief History of International Antifascism

Fascism, as we know it today, came amid the sweeping nationalism accompanying World War I. Numerous leftists shifting from left to right ported their...

April 29th: Rally Against the Nationalist Front and Traditionalist Worker Party in Kentucky

The Nationalist Front is a new confederation of neo-Nazi, KKK, and Alt Right groups that is trying to capitalize on a Trump presidency. Made...

The Alt Right’s Anonymity is Failing, and They Are Unable to Withstand Exposure

Among the crowd of well-dressed white nationalists that made up the now infamous National Policy Institute conference in November 2016, he certainly stood out....

Responding to the Fascist Creep: An Interview With Alexander Reid Ross

From Anti-Fascist News Below is an interview conducted with anti-fascist author and organizer Alexander Reid Ross addressing many of the themes raised in his upcoming book,...

Anti-Racist Action of Columbus Plans Public Demonstration to Confront Neo-Nazi Activists with Ties to...

From Anti-Fascist News The Columbus chapter of Anti-Racist Action (ARA) held a public demonstration on Saturday, January 14th to confront Greg Anglin, a local business owner who...

Support Montana Antifa By Donating and Contact Whitefish Hotels and Tell Them About Incoming...

From Anti-Fascist News Donate Here As we have been covering, the small resort town of Whitefish, Montana is under seige by Alt Right trolls after several of...

Why Did LGBTQ Nation Choose Milo Yiannopoulos for “Person of the Year?�

From Anti-Fascist News One of the most popular queer interest web publications out of the U.S., LGBTQ Nation, has just announced their “Person of the Year�...

How Montana Anti-Racists Confronted Neo-Nazis’ Plan to Terrorize Residents

From Anti-Fascist News The neo-Nazi wing of the Alt Right is planning for a small-town Kristallnacht in 2017. How did we get here? It all derives from...

Texas A & M: Shut Down Richard Spencer December 6th

From Anti-Fascist News For Texas anti-fascists, the most notorious alt-right fascist leader in the country has been invited by a former student to speak at Texas...

The National Policy Institute is Holding The Largest White Nationalist Conference of the Year...

From Anti-Fascist News On Saturday, November 20th, the Ronald Reagan building in Washington D.C. will host the largest white nationalist and Alt Right conference of the...