Authors Posts by itsgoingdown


It’s Going Down is a revolutionary media platform from anarchist, anti-fascist and anti-capitalist movements. We are a network of friends and comrades across so-called North America, who seek to provide news and analysis of when it goes down: riots, strikes, sabotage, occupations, expropriations, rebellion, revolt, insurrection, whether together or alone – we support liberatory revolt. We are a news website and not an organization who seek to uplift and build capacity for a wide range of social struggles, movements, and revolutionary groups.

Long Term Resistance: Fighting Trump and Liberal Co-option

So far, the only thing that has mitigated the horrifying opening salvos of Trump's presidency—of course the first president to follow through on his...

Shining Soul: “All Day” World Premiere

Shining Soul's newest video for their song “ALL DAY” was filmed along the international Mexico/United States border and at a United States Border Patrol...

What Would It Take to Stop the Ice Raids?

Over the past week, nearly 700 people have been rounded up in a wave of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) sweeps across the US....

All the News You Didn’t Even Know Was Going Down

Welcome to the first edition of All the News You Didn't Even Know Was Going Down since the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President...

IGDCAST: Interview with Rhyd Wildermuth of Gods and Radicals

The pagan anarchist website Gods and Radicals is growing, and is putting out a stream of original content everyday along with hard-hitting podcasts and publications. Wanting to...

Love Trumps Hate? Liberalism’s False Opposition to Trump

Download and Print Here In the last few months, a tide of popular defiance to the Trump regime has rolled across the country. His ‘peaceful transition’...

Forming An Antifa Group: A Manual

Download Here Anti-fascist groups, often called “antifa,” are popping up all around the United States, and a number of people have asked us for advice on...

The Problem of “Peaceful Protesters”

"I'm not a protester. I'm violent." -Masked Rebel in Ferguson Along with voting, in today's society protesting peacefully is often held up as one of...

IGD February: Occupy a Staples, Cause We Just Dropped a New Issue

January proved to be a huge month for us. Traffic to this site multiplied several times over, our social media reach increased greatly, and...

ICE Raids: Anger Builds As Trump Moves to Target Millions

On Wednesday, February 9th mass protests broke out that led to a freeway blockade in Los Angeles, California after a confirmed 160 people were...