Melbourne dad takes multi-tasking to new levels and helps deliver baby while driving

Police are investigating after a baby was left on the verandah of a Herston home.
Police are investigating after a baby was left on the verandah of a Herston home. Photo: Nicolas Walker

A woman gave birth in front of the Mercy Hospital with the help of her multi-tasking husband who drove with one hand on the wheel and the other holding the baby's head as it pushed its way into the world.  

Baby Mikhail was five days overdue, but there was no holding back once he made up his mind to join mum and dad on Thursday morning.

At 8am, and just four hours into labor, Maia Guigaouri and husband James Gibbs rushed to the Mercy Hospital for Women.

But the morning peak hour traffic meant that the approximate 9km drive from Doncaster East to Heidelberg took a little bit longer than the couple had planned. 

"Ten minutes into the drive I thought: this is going to happen in the car," Ms Guigaouri said. 

"I couldn't move because of the baby capsule in the back seat, so I was just grabbing onto the handles."

By the time they reached the hospital entrance, the baby's head was crowning.

"My husband was holding the baby's head in one hand and the steering wheel with the other hand," she said.

Ms Guigaouri delivered the couple's second child on the podium in front of the hospital. She said her husband had to "break the birth sac" and clear his son's face to help the baby take his first breath.

The whole process took about five hours with the dramatic scenes witnessed by shocked onlookers and staff who rushed to the couple's aid.

Curtains were quickly erected on the footpath to give the family some privacy. 

"Everyone was just amazing," Ms Guigaouri said.

A Mercy Hospital for Women spokeswoman said Baby Mikhail was born at 8.48am, weighing 3750 grams and both mother and baby were in good health. 

In January, Melbourne woman Marina Arthur gave birth to her daughter in the back of an Uber taxi in New York.

In 2014, a man helped his partner deliver their second daughter on the side of the West Gate Freeway after they couldn't make it to the hospital in time.