Dad accidentally films baby's surprise home birth

Moments before baby Isobelle's arrival.
Moments before baby Isobelle's arrival.  Photo: Supplied

Photographer Martin Boyce, 35, set up his camera thinking he was capturing the early moments of his fiancee Holly Dawson, 24, going into labour.

But they soon realised they were not going to get to hospital on time.

Which is meant Martin's camera captured the whole birth, including the incredible moment he helped delivered his baby girl, Isobelle.

The couple after the surprise home birth.
The couple after the surprise home birth.  Photo: Supplied

With his mother-in-law (a nurse herself) on the phone to the midwives, Martin remained surprisingly calm throughout the labour.

That is until he saw the baby's head begin to crown.

"Oh, a baby!" he shouts in total disbelief. "Oh my God! Oh my God!"

It takes a moment for him to calm down as he holds the tiny human in his arms, before passing the little girl to his fiancee.

The camera then captures the touching moment Holly and Martin cradled their newborn together for the first time.

"Its amazing that I've had such a big part to play in her life already," said Martin.

"Rather than just holding Holly's hand I was able to deliver my own child, which is just the most incredible feeling.

"It's something I'll be able to tell her when she grows up - and it's all captured on camera as well.

"We had always wanted to film the birth and all the gear was in the car ready, but I had to get it out and I ran in and clamped the camera to the desk.

"I just had time to set it up and was able to capture the miracle moment of our baby being born."

It took some time before Belle moved and cried, and because of her low temperature she was taken to hospital.

Thankfully, little Isobelle, who was born at at 4.32am weighing 7lbs 12 oz, is back home and doing well.

"I could not have done it without my mum and Holly's mother Sharon has been amazing as well," said Martin. "I certainly won't forget the birth of our first child."
