Baby Joshua born in dad's ute

Baby Joshua didn't want to wait until his parents arrived at hospital.
Baby Joshua didn't want to wait until his parents arrived at hospital. Photo: Supplied

We all know that babies come exactly when they want, but for Kerri and Anthony Tarabay that was much sooner than anticipated.

Baby Joshua was born on the morning of the 1st February in the family's ute whilst en route to the hospital.

"I'd been having labour pains all week that usually lasted about 2 hours," says Kerri.  "I woke up that morning and thought it was the same pains, so dropped off my other children at daycare and school."

Baby Joshua is the couple's fourth child.
Baby Joshua is the couple's fourth child.  Photo: Supplied

By the time it got to the 2 hour mark though Kerri was still experiencing pains. She rang the hospital and was advised to come in for a check up.

"I rang my husband and asked him to come home to take me.  My plan was for a natural labour but with gas, so I wanted to get to the hospital and be all settled if it was time."

Between then and her husband getting home to drive them the 15-minute journey, Kerri's contractions started coming quicker.  

By the time she got in the car she was in no doubt that she was in labour. 

"Every contraction I knew was one step closer to the baby.  I was now in a lot of pain which I knew wasn't good, and with the next contraction I felt my waters go," she says.

Because Kerri had experienced a quick birth with her second son – who arrived in the back of an ambulance - she knew that the baby was on his way.

"With the next contraction I felt the head crown and I said to Anthony, 'Drive as fast as you can! I'm in labour now!'  I had my eyes closed with my legs spread – one foot on the dash and one on the door like a starfish!"

"With the next contraction the head came out, and the next push the shoulders came out.  That's when I said 'You need to pull over, this baby is coming out.'

Pulling up next to a work site 800 metres from the hospital Anthony yelled out to workers to call for an ambulance. 

But there was no time for any assistance. Joshua was already on his way.

"The next contraction came and the baby came out face down," says Kerri.  "Anthony put his hands underneath and guided him out and caught him."

"All this time, he's still screaming for an ambulance and I'm beeping the horn to get someone's attention."

But the drama didn't end there, because when Joshua was born he wasn't breathing.

Anthony jumped into immediate action by tapping and rubbing on Joshua's back – something that he'd seen medical staff do at the birth of his daughter, Hannah.

"After a few seconds Joshua let out a little sound and then I just wanted to get to hospital as quick as possible," explains Kerri.

On arrival at the hospital Anthony ran in to get help and returned back to the car with nurses who Kerri recalls looked like '5 angels'. 

Anthony then cut the cord and all the nurses made a walkway with sheets for Kerri to get out of the car.  By this stage, the whole hospital had congregated outside to see the lady who had had a baby in the car!

"As we got into the lift all the staff gave us a round of applause and praised both Anthony and I.  I was just so grateful that my baby was safe and we'd made it to the hospital in one piece," says Kerri.

As for Anthony, she says she couldn't have done it without him.

"He was so focused on delivering the baby. There was no second-guessing or fear.  He caught the baby, remembered to get him breathing, wrapped him in his shirt, kept me calm and got me to the hospital safely."

But it's not just Kerri who has an increased admiration for Anthony – his friends and family do too.

"Everyone now calls him Doctor or Midwife Tony," laughs Kerri.  "It's become a bit of a running joke!"