Australian mum gives birth to quintuplets

Kim Tucci before the birth.
Kim Tucci before the birth. Photo: Erin Elizabeth Photography

An Australian mum who has shared the ups and downs of carrying quintuplets has welcomed her five babies into the world.

Kim Tucci's babies - one boy and four girls - are all doing well after being delivered at 30 weeks gestation, according to reports by Woman's Day.

The magazine reports the babies were delivered within two minutes of each other and have been named Keith, Ali, Penelope, Tiffany and Beatrix.

Perth mum of quintuplets Kim Tucci at 25 weeks.
Perth mum of quintuplets Kim Tucci at 25 weeks. Photo: Erin Elizabeth Photography

Mrs Tucci, from Perth, naturally fell pregnant with quintuplets in late July while trying for a third child with her husband Vaughn.

The 26-year-old last year told Essential Baby of her shock when the ultrasound operator at her first scan during this pregnancy revealed there were five heartbeats.

"I was lying down, but my legs started shaking and all I could do was laugh. Then I asked them to please check again," she said last September.

A picture from Kim Tucci's Facebook page Surprised By Five.
A picture from Kim Tucci's Facebook page Surprised By Five. Photo: Facebook: Surprised By Five

The couple, who also have two young daughters, had hoped for a boy to complete their family.

At the time she fell pregnant with the quintuplets, Mrs Tucci and her family were living in Sydney. However, after learning they would soon have five babies to care, for Mr and Mrs Tucci decided to move to Perth where they have family support.

Mrs Tucci, who also has an older son from a previous relationship, has amassed a Facebook following of more than 170,000 after writing about the experience of her quintuplet pregnancy.

Her blog, Surprised by Five, details the mum's struggle to physically carry the babies, with back pains making it difficult for her to sleep and her belly feeling "hot to touch" due to skin stretching.   

"Mummy guilt has kicked up a level! I'm trying to get through all the pain just on Panadol alone if I can help it, I can't bare the thought of any drugs passing through to my babies," she wrote on her blog on January 17.

"Sometimes my pelvis becomes so stiff I can barely walk and my hips feel like they are grinding away constantly."

The now mother-of-eight found it difficult to maintain the diet required for a quintuplet pregnancy.

"I'm finding it hard to eat as I basically have no room left in my stomach and the way it is positioned it's pushed all the way back with the babies leaning against it," she wrote.  

"During a quintuplet pregnancy it's recommended that I be taking in 6000 calories a day!! I'm struggling to eat and force feed myself leaving me with reflux for hours.

"My skin on my belly is so stretched it's painful and hot to touch, it literally feels like I have hives!! No amount of cream helps relieve the discomfort," she said.

"I have a lot of stretch marks now, dealing with such a huge change in my body is hard.

"My husband always reminds me I should wear my stripes with pride and that I should be proud of them and what my body has achieved. Without him I would have broken down a long time ago."

At 24 weeks gestation Mrs Tucci posed for a beach photo shoot with local photographer Elizabeth Hoskins.

The Tucci family has not yet posted about the birth on their Facebook page.

Experts say the chances of a quintuplet pregnancy such as Mrs Tucci's is about one in 60 million, as each of the five babies had their own gestational sac.

Doctors had told the couple there had been no quintuplets born in Western Australia since the 1980s. There have been less than 15 sets of quintuplets born across Australia since the 1960s.