
Sir Elton John: Once in a Lifetime tour to skip Queensland capital for Mackay and Cairns

Sir Elton John will bypass Brisbane during his only trip to Queensland to perform this year, heading to Mackay and Cairns instead.

Announcing the Once in a Lifetime tour dates from Mackay on Tuesday morning, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said she had an "outstanding announcement for regional Queensland".

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Elton John to skip Brisbane

Music superstar Elton John will play in Mackay and Cairns this year, but not in Brisbane. Nine News

"We know that the regions have been doing it tough lately and I know that more than anyone as I travel across this state," she said.

"But what I do know is that this announcement is great news for tourism, it's great news for Mackay, it's also great news for Cairns."

The Mackay concert will be on September 22 at BB Print Stadium.

The Cairns concert will be on September 30 at Cazaly's Stadium.


Tickets go on sale on Tuesday, March 14. 

Two more concerts are set to be held in Australia, with details yet to be announced.

Member for Mirani Jim Pearce said he thought central Queensland coal miners would be piling on buses to head to the concerts.

"Gee, out there, out in the coal fields, where I come from, the good people, I'm sure that they'll be loading up buses and making their way in here too because there's a lot of good people in central Queensland who would be around about that era," Mr Pearce said.

He quipped: "Same age as me [Mr Pearce is 68 years old], same age as the Premier [Ms Palaszczuk is 47 years old]."

"I'm really excited about the whole thing, I remember Angel in the Wind, Candle in the Wind, sorry, because Princess Di was my idol and I was really sad when she passed on.

"But I think it was a great honour that Sir Elton John played and sang that song to give her, show her the respect she deserved at the time."

In the 50th-anniversary year of the Elton John/Bernie Taupin writing partnership, Sir Elton will entertain audiences at the north Queensland outdoor venues, where he has never played before.

Sir Elton said he always loved coming back to Australia.

"It holds a very special place in my heart, ever since my first visit there at the start of my worldwide career in 1971," he said.

"My band and I are really looking forward to playing there again in September and this tour will be even more memorable because it will be the first time I have ever played Mackay and Cairns... which I can't believe but there you have it.

"If the audiences are anything like those at all of the other shows we have done in Queensland over the years, everyone will surely be in for a wonderful, crazy night."

The tour will feature iconic hits and classic album tracks from his five-decade career, including a selection of songs from his album Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.

Since his career began, Sir Elton has played more than 4000 concerts in more than 80 countries.

Promoter Michael Chugg said Sir Elton loved Australia and Australians.

"It's an ongoing affair," Mr Chugg said.

Tourism and Events Queensland negotiated a deal with Chugg Entertainment and the councils ahead of the announcement, but because the arrangement was commercial in confidence, the value of any money pledged – if any – can not be made public.

Ms Palaszczuk described the concert as a "win for the people of regional Queensland".

"Mackay and Cairns will play host to one of the great international musical icons of the world, Sir Elton John," she said.

"I can't stop smiling.

"Can I say to the people of regional Queensland, this is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to come and hear Sir Elton John live in Mackay and Cairns and I know it's going to be a sell-out."

Ms Palaszczuk said she expected more than 24,000 people would have the opportunity to see him in regional parts of the state.

"This is going to mean people from right across Queensland – and I think we'll even get some interstate visitors that will actually want to come to Mackay and Cairns and why wouldn't you?" she said.