
Gotšwa go Wikipedia
Taboga go: Tšweletšo, fetleka

Panana ke mohlare wa dikênywa.

Production of bananas and plantains by country in 2012
Country Millions
of tonnes
of world total
India 24.9 18%
Tšhaena 10.6 8%
Uganda 9.8 7%
Philippines 9.2 7%
Ecuador 7.6 5%
Brazil 6.9 5%
Indonesia 6.2 4%
Columbia 5.3 4%
Cameroon 4.9 3%
Ghana 3.6 3%
All other countries 50.2 36%
Total world 139.2 100%
Dipanana wa India, ba rekišha mô shopo wa India Borwa