
So it's come to this.

Clinton's supporters are embarrassing themselves by describing her as a "progressive"

Another Day in The Sun: The National Accounts, Growth and Malfunction

A look at the recent National Accounts and what is going on with capital accumulation in Australia

Minimum living wage: Oregon organiser confront weakened wage and renter rights proposals [video]

After the Oregon legislature brings forwarded a dramatically weakened minimum wage proposal and undercut possible renter protections, organizers occupy the Governor's office and disrupt the active legislative session.

Migration, refugees and labour

In depth analysis of EU migration and the 'refugee crisis' in relation to labour market restructuring and working class composition

Portland stands up against housing discrimination and retaliation

Portland Tenants United leads a rally and march to confront rising retaliation and discrimination against tenants, which they say will only be solved by creating tenant power through direct action.

In Yemen, the US finds itself fighting alongside al-Qaeda

Hillary Clinton meets with Saudi puppet  Abd Monsour Hadi 2012

The US claims to be fighting a war on groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS, but you wouldn't know it by looking its actions in countries like Yemen.

Workers occupy ILVA steel plant in Genoa

Steel workers in Genoa, Italy, occupied their factory in opposition to insecurity at work as a result of management corruption. Workers stopped work and blocked traffic, cutting the city in half.

A look at Lockerbie: Intiqam, the man who takes revenge

In my last blog post I took a look at the US downing of Iran Air 655. In this post I will show how the Iranians took an eye for an eye. Part 2 of 3.

#EvictionFree2016: against retaliation, against discrimination

As Portland slips into a declared "renter state of emergency," tenants are being pushed out of the city as rents skyrocket and greedy landlords strip renters of their stability and voice. Now, Portland Tenants United, the newest tenants union in Portland, is launching a citywide campaign with a rally and march geared to take the tenant rights movement to the next level.

A look at Lockerbie: Iran Air Flight 655

The tragic story of the Lockerbie bombing begins in Iran, with the US downing of Iranian Air Flight 655 killing 290. Part 1 of a multi-part series.

Silence in the West as Libya falls deeper into the abyss

"We came, we saw, he died!" said Clinton of the NATO intervention

In 2011 Western leaders and the media were celebrating a humanitarian victory for NATO, now the silence is deafening.

Paris, Aleppo, Baghdad: their wars, our dead!

Editorial of WorkersWildWest no.3 - A workers/ paper from West-London: Basic position on the Paris attacks, the war in Syria and the state of emergency

Racist tide in the Netherlands encounters opposition

"No against asylum seekers center"...

The Netherlands is experiencing a wave of racist, sometimes openly violent, actions andstreet mobilizations, mainly against refugees and the sheltering of refugees.

US commitment to human rights on display as staunch ally executes 47

Obama with Saudi ally King Salman

The US is implicated in the mass execution in Saudi Arabia more than the media likes to let on.

Italian death rate up 11%

This shocking figure comes from Italian Institute of Statistics (Istat) data reported by Gian Carlo Blangiardo, demographer and director of the Statistics Department of Bicocca University in Milan. The mortality data cover the first seven months of 2015 and if the trend has continued, there will be 69,000 deaths more in 2015 than in 2014.

Top 10 libcom articles of 2015

A cat reading

A quick rundown of our most popular articles and blog entries of the year. traffic analysis 2015

Cat on libcom

A look at our traffic and at usage of through 2015, and what is in store for 2016.

Welcome to the jungle: working and struggling in Amazon warehouses

Article on structure, working conditions and disputes at Amazon in Germany and Poland - reports and interview with workers in the appendix

The Case of Laquan McDonald

Some background on the scandal surrounding the shooting of 17 year old Laquan McDonald by Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke.

Australia you’re standing in it part 2: debt and social reproduction

An attempt to think through the connections between state debt, social reproduction and class struggle in Australia