
Freedom Press: A general pre-bookfair update

Freedom's been up to a fair bit this year, so ahead of the London Anarchist Bookfair on October 29th I thought I'd do an update on how the Press is doing, what we're publishing, and how on Earth we're going to raise £40,000-odd for repairs.

New trial over Stefano Cucchi’s death in custody

Ilaria Cucchi, Stefano’s sister, showing a photo of her brother’s body.

Legal reports claim Stefano Cucchi's death was due to epilepsy; he died covered in bruises with multiple fractures and injuries to internal organs after his arrest.

Alfred Olango and the hatred of solidarity

Sending the police to deal with mental health crises is bad for everyone, so why does it continue to happen?

A general strike starting from refinery workers at the caribbean island of Curacao - awaiting new masters from China

Curacao strike refinery workers 2016

The strike of a week of refinery workers, followed by the general strike on September 15 in Curacao, has aroused much interest in the Caribbean. In particular, the fact that a mysterious third party showed up paying over 1.8 million ANG [Antillean Guilder (ANG). Per 23-9-2016 1 ANG = 0,50 EUR or US$ 0,57] in back wages, has caused astonishment. F.e. Surinam media reported extensively on the workers' actions. One remembers the Curacao strikes and riots of May 30 1969, that were repressed by Dutch marines, and that led to changes in policy.

Struggles and union issues at Honda and Bellsonica in Manesar, India

Translation of four recent articles from Faridabad Majdoor Samachar (Faridabad Worker' News, India), reflecting on the union question regarding two current struggles at Honda motor-cycle factory and Bellsonica car parts supplier.

Syrian and Latin American refugees, “worthy” and “unworthy” victims

children imprisoned at a facility in Dilley Texas

Obama speechifies about the plight of Syrian refugees, but his administration’s treatment of refugees from Latin and South America says more than anything.

Queer kids for full communism: living the dream with the Queer Liberation Front

The latest Living the Dream podcast - an interview with Angus from the Queer Liberation Front. From The Word from Struggle St blog

"I barely survived on Chicago-Lake Liquors wages": an account of a campaign

An account by Juan Conatz of an Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) campaign at a liquor store in Minneapolis during the first half of 2013.

Logistics worker killed while on strike in Piacenza, Italy

Banner reads: "Abdelsalam lives in the struggle for the rights of everyone".

During the night between September 14 and 15, Abdelssalam Eldanf was killed while he was on strike with other workers in front of the GLS logistic plant in Piacenza.

Hat Trick

Hat Trick / Image by Monica Kostas

A piece by John O’Reilly in Minnesota about his experiences working at a liquor store. Sports is often there in the background shaping our interactions, defining relationships, and reflecting the struggles and aspirations of workers. In Hat Trick O’Reilly reminds us of the role of sports setting out the divisions and unity in our lives.

Insurrection and Production

An empirically heavy mind-game for the debate on working class strategy: First steps in a six-month revolutionary transition period in the UK region

Package Handler’s Report and Analysis

In this essay, IWW organizer Coeur de Bord analyses the first year of organizing at a United Parcel Service hub in Minneapolis outside of the preexisting trade union structure. They show how even a small core of organizers can engage large numbers of workers and mobilize them around concrete demands.

Free parking - Phinneas Gage

In this piece Phinneas Gage recalls the challenges of organizing under punitive back to work legislation and the effect it had on shop floor organising. As tensions grow over a dispute about the safety of various parking arrangements around renovated facilities the shop again begins to mobilise. Then tragedy strikes and the workers are reminded that sometimes the cost of a partial victory can be as great as any defeat.

Careerists and Corporate Interest: Why despite endless failure the drug war will continue indefinitely

A look at why drug war policies continue despite totally failing to achieve their stated objectives.

Nicer ways to do it? Bolivian miners fighting back

Struggle, repression and contradictions in Bolivia

Easy Money: The Reserve Bank of Australia and the tremors in capital accumulation

Image taken from page 257 of 'Backsheesh! or, Life and Adventures in the Orient.

The Reserve Bank of Australia's turn to unorthodox monetary policy is an attempt to keep credit and house prices high to delay the impact of the global crisis

The RCP's current solution to the gay question

RCP leader Bob Avakian

A critical look at the homophobic positions of the "Revolutionary Communist Party" in the US since the 1970s.

Part One

Part Two

[The Netherlands] The Area Ban against anarchists in a broader context of repression in The Hague

On the backgrounds of the area ban the mayor of The Hagua, Netherlands, imposed on several anarchists

2016 historical U.S. anarchism archiving project

List of materials that have been digitized as part of our effort to make U.S. anarchist periodicals and pamphlets from the 1930s-1950s freely available.

Dutch Mayor issues area bans for anarchists

From the frontlines of social war in the Netherlands: area ban for anarchists in The Hague