
Royal family and revolting cruelty

The Working Class Self Organisation blog looks at the Royal family's treatment of its own members with mental illnesses before the screening of a new Channel 4 documentary on the same subject.

Scab union that has no ‘Voice'

A brief introduction to the little known teachers union, Voice.

The tendency of state legitimacy to fall

This blog has been planned for ages, but has somewhat been superseded by the shift to ‘technocratic’ rule in Greece and Italy. Nonetheless, hopefully it’s a useful hypothesis on state legitimacy.

The prison gossip on the Pakistani Cricketer Celebrity Prisoners!

Austerity Kills

Helen and Mark Mullins.

Phil Dickens stresses the importance of fighting the cuts to welfare following the deaths of Mark and Helen Mullins.

Occupy philosophy blog

Came across an OccupyPhilosophy blog run by a bunch of philosophers.

Richard Lewontin "Science & Politics"

A 2003 interview with marxist and evolutionary geneticist Richard Lewontin on the politics of science.

Steven Pinker, the history of violence, and the misuse of 'anarchy'

I've not yet purchased his new book yet, though I'm sure I'll grab a copy sometime, but already all the interviews with him and reviews I've read are fairly infuriating.

The Oakland general strike, the days before, the days after

Gayge Operaista's account of the 2011 Oakland general strike, the fallout within the occupy movement and what direction things may go from here.

Workers' struggles in East Asia (October 2011)

Striking miners in West Papua, Indonesia resist attack by police

Summary and links to news stories of workers' struggles around East Asia during October 2011 and related resources. The most important stories appear on my Twitter feed as soon as I find them:

Policing politics? Or, what do you do when the president of your student's union is a cop?

Recruitement ad for volunteer police

My friend Joel White wrote this piece, about the president of our student's union, who is also a Special Constable. It appeared in the University's student newspaper and also on Bright Green. Personally, I'd have gone further, criticising the role of both police and elected representatives, and pointed out that Specials are worse than normal cops cos they do it for free, but still an interesting piece especially considering it was aimed initially at an apolitical student body rather than anyone directly involved with any kind of organising.

Clock time and life-time saving

Attack the Block, directed by Joe Cornish

An apparently refreshing take on underclass alienation soon sours into the same old rancid reaction

Should Rihanna loot small businesses, or chain stores?

Blog discussing the ethics of Rihanna's looting choices, from a communist perspective.

The animals and children took to the streets

Esme Appleton as Agnes Eives

A review of the play by 1927, who knew the UK riots were going to happen before everyone else did

Bournville School defeats academy plans

Parents and staff at Bournville school have successfully defeated plans to turn the school into an academy.

Swept under the rug and left for dead; How, according to the boss, swearing is worse than harassment

An account of an incident of sexual harassment in the workplace, the inadequate response from management and possible retaliation after reporting.

A New Workerism: Capitalist Crisis, Proletarianization, and the Future of the Left

Republic Windows and Doors occupation, Chicago, 2008.

Originally written for and circulated at the 2010 US Social Forum in Detroit, Alex advocates an emphasis on workplace organizing and an orientation toward some historical experiences that he believes contain resources for us in the present.

London Anarchist Bookfair meeting

Rebellious Media Conference 2011

Impressions from the alternative media event