Sunday, January 01, 2017. Last Update: Fri 2:51 PM EST


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Showdown over the future of independent documentaries at PBS

Proposal to move POV and Independent Lens to secondary station puts PBS and WNET in a bind

POV executive producer Simon Kilmurry, filmmaker Dawn Porter and WNET VP for programming Stephen Segaller at PBS' New York... More


Why we ‘stave off’ colds

It all started with wine

"I'm trying to stave off a cold," a friend said. Another responded, "Wine will work for that." Neither probably realized... More


Reporters rely on anonymous sources in heightened NBA coverage

Rumors fuel fans before the trading deadline

Thursday at 3pm marked the NBA trade deadline, teams' last chance to make major roster upgrades before the playoffs. Reporters... More


Warm up with words

Tropical differences

On a frigid day in the Northeast, let's turn our thoughts to the tropics. Wouldn't you rather be on a... More


Covering teams in untraditional ways pays off

Innovative sports blogs give die-hard fans an outlet

Among the 309 blogs on the SB Nation sports blog network, "Sonics Rising" is unusual in that it's dedicated to... More


Meet the first two African American women in the White House press corps

Excerpts from Alice Dunnigan’s Alone atop the Hill and James McGrath Morris’ Eye on the Struggle about Ethel Payne

Alice Dunnigan and Ethel Payne were the first two African American women to hold White House press passes. They... More


Confused on conflated?

When Brian Williams uttered the word in his on-air apology, people flocked to online dictionaries for answers

When Brian Williams said he had "conflated" his memories of what happened with his helicopter in Iraq in 2003, it... More


Journalism and clichés

These kinds of expressions are trite, overused and hackneyed

We did a Twitter chat last week in which the most spirited discussion, started by Samantha Grossman, was about which... More


Marshawn Lynch, Media Day, and the reality of Super Bowl coverage

How do you write about a star athlete who won’t talk to you?

Last summer, determined to write a profile of press-shy Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch, freelance reporter Kevin Fixler showed up... More


Covering the Knicks? Good luck

The team’s public relations staff appears to restrict access

"The only thing worse than being a bad team is being a boring team," Frank Isola of The New York... More


In between ‘before’ and ‘after’

Think before you speak

Today, we're going to discuss "prior to" and "following," in the hopes that some people will realize they are not... More


Is it now-defunct or now defunct?

Examining whether or not you should use a hyphen for this journalism mannerism

The new general manager of the New York Jets "was a league scout in the American offices of the now-defunct... More

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The history of ‘nightmare’

The ‘mare’ has many meanings

People awakening from a "nightmare" often have the sensation that they can't breathe. Not surprising: That's where the word "nightmare"... More


A glut of spates and slews

The New York Times might want to invest in a thesaurus

In just a week, The New York Times discussed how "Indonesia has seen a spate of deadly attacks by Muslim... More


Entree, entry, or entrée?

If you’re going to use it, say it right

Pronunciation sometimes makes the word. If someone has taken a bit part in a movie, one might say she got... More

New survey reveals everything you think about freelancing is true - Data from Project Word quantifies challenges of freelance investigative reporting

Why one editor won’t run any more op-eds by the Heritage Foundation’s top economist - A reply to Paul Krugman on state taxes and job growth made some incorrect claims

Why we ‘stave off’ colds - It all started with wine

The New Republic, then and now - Tallying the staff turnover at the overhauled magazine

Why serious journalism can coexist with audience-pleasing content - Legacy media organizations should experiment with digital platforms while continuing to publish hard news

The rise of feelings journalism (TNR)

“Bloom engaged in an increasingly popular style of writing, which I’ve discussed on my blog before, which I call “feelings journalism.” It involves a writer making an argument based on what they imagine someone else is thinking, what they feel may be another person’s feelings. The realm of fact, of reporting, has been left behind.”

Things a war correspondent should never say (WSJ)

“The correspondent retelling war stories surely knows that fellow correspondents had faced the same dangers or worse”

On WaPo trying to interview a cow (National Journal)

“‘I wasn’t milked on the White House lawn by a strange man,’ The Washington Post—the venerable institution that would later come to break the Watergate scandal and win 48 Pulitzers—quoted her, a farm animal, as saying”


Greg Marx discusses democracy and news with Tom Rosenstiel of the American Press Institute

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The Business of Digital Journalism

A report from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism

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