U.K. celebrated the failed attempt to blow up parliament in 1605 with an effigy of the "Gunpowder Plot" leader Guy Fawkes on top of bonfires.

The news comes a few days before the Nov. 8 presidential elections in which Clinton and Donald Trump are almost tied in polls, with Clinton having less than a 2% lead.

Ortega and Nicaragua's leftist FSLN are heading for a huge win.

The Sandinista leader promised to defend his social and economic achievements and continue with Nicaragua's strong economic growth.
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The activists were visiting the family of Joshua Beal who was shot and killed by police earlier in the day.

Even before her death, Berta Cáceres continued to stress Hillary's involvement in the 2009 U.S.-backed Honduras coup. Here's what the Clinton campaign is trying to cover up.

75.222 Aufrufe

The Empire Files' Abby Martin interviews presidential candidate Gloria La Riva: "Elections in the United States are a rigged system."

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Police officer Matthew Luckhurst bragged to a fellow officer about trying to feed a man human feces.

"Fear of Donald Trump is not enough for me to support Clinton, with her record of corruption.”

The actress believes Clinton's policies in foreign relations and environmnent are truly concerning.
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After reviewing newly discovered emails, FBI Director James Comey said no charges were warranted.

Sala was detained in her home province of Jujuy on Jan. 16 after spearheading a month-long protest against Jujur Governor Gerardo Morales, a Macri ally.

Destructive pipeline projects aren't exclusive to the U.S. Will thousands rise up to protect Indigenous lands in Canada?

Here's what Wikileaks thinks is the best summary of the Podesta leaks...

Video: Inside the Clinton network of John Podesta -- best summary by far

With the Wikileaks release of thousands of emails belonging to John Podesta, very little is known in US society about Podesta himself. While he’s maintained ...

As the water protectors say, this is too little, too late.


Disrespectful and disgusting. But what can you expect from racist U.S. police?

Every 30 hours a woman is killed in Argentina.


Nicaragua's revolutionary struggle has sparked the growth of anti-capitalist cooperatives, transforming the country into a more people-centered economy.

When the right-wing media stoops so low because it can't accept Lula's popularity.

Abby Martin shines a light on who's really pulling the political levers in the U.S. on this week's episode of The Empire Files.

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The answer has a lot to do with Sandinista reforms and the government of Daniel Ortega.

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Nicaragua's Sandinista Supporters Prepare For New Election
Ortega seeks presidential reelection in Nicaragua

Nicaragua will head to the polls today to choose a new president and 90 members of the National Assembly. Local media has already reported that current President Daniel Ortega and his wife and running mate Rosario Murillo are leading the polls, with a staggering three out of every four voters believed to be supporting them.


An estimated 64.8 percent of people in Nicaragua approve of the Sandinista government, resulting in a likely victory come Sunday rooted in the achievements of the left-wing government, especially its advances in the areas of infrastructure, healthcare, stability and economic growth, among other achievements.

This is the seventh time that Ortega will be the candidate for the Sandinista National Liberation Front, or FSLN. The first time was in 1984 when he was elected president. He ruled the country for six years in his first term before losing in the 1990 election. He returned to power in 2007 and won again in 2011.

Under Ortega’s government, Nicaragua has become one of the safest countries in the Americas, with a murder rate lower than that of neighboring Costa Rica.

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