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World Day of Social Justice

In 2007, the United Nations declared February 20 the World Day of Social Justice. To mark the important day, teleSUR looks at historic and contemporary social struggles and how they have improved social justice across the world.

If You Read One Thing


Women in Latin America have a long history of resistance and struggle for justice. Here’s a list of just some of the many women who have fought for progressive change in Latin America and had a significant impact on their societies and the region. READ MORE

Trump and Social Justice


5 Social Movements That Have Galvanized in the Age of Trump

As hate crimes against marginalized communities soar to the hundreds in the wake of Donald Trump's victory, activists from various social movements have geared up to fight back.teleSUR examines five of the key movements in the United States that have been re-energized — or have been reinvented — over the last two months. READ MORE

White Anti-Racist Leadership


How Whites Can Fight for Multiracial Collective Liberation

I work to develop racial justice leadership in white communities, because fundamentally, I love white people and want to help free my community from the death culture that turns us into soldiers and collaborators in maintaining structural inequality and violence, from the slave society of the past to the agenda of Trump and the GOP today. READ MORE

Latin American Resistance


5 Social Movements Resisting Repression in Latin America

Leftist governments across Latin America have fought tooth and nail to create more socially just societies. Countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Uruguay have improved conditions for marginalized people after years of political and armed struggle. READ MORE

Guatemala's Social Struggle


Diary of Death: Guatemala Struggles for Justice 20 Years On

Fighting against oblivion is probably the greatest struggle waged by human rights groups in Guatemala when they want to promote the historical memory among younger generations. In many of these cases, people ignore the fact that for more than 30 years, ordinary citizens in the country lived under the shadow of fear, death and disappearance. READ MORE

Obama's Shortcomings


Obama Social Justice Failures That Could Continue with Trump

On World Day of Social Justice, teleSUR examines some of the incomplete promises and shortcomings of the Obama administration and how they may continue under Trump. READ MORE

Unlikely Solidarity


Chicago 1969: When Black Panthers Aligned with Confederate-Flag-Wielding, Working-Class Whites

During the 1960s, a group of migrant southerners and working-class white activists called the Young Patriots joined forces with the Black Panthers in Chicago to fight systemic class oppression. READ MORE

  • Hundreds of Indigenous people accompany the coffin of Daniel Coicue, a member of the indigenous Nasa tribe killed by FARC rebels in the armed conflict.

    Hundreds of Indigenous people accompany the coffin of Daniel Coicue, a member of the indigenous Nasa tribe killed by FARC rebels in the armed conflict. | Photo AFP

  • On Feb. 26, a Guatemalan court convicted two former Guatemalan soldiers of holding 11 Indigenous women as sex slaves at a military base. They were also convicted of crimes against humanity and forced disappearances dating back to the early 1980s.

    On Feb. 26, a Guatemalan court convicted two former Guatemalan soldiers of holding 11 Indigenous women as sex slaves at a military base. They were also convicted of crimes against humanity and forced disappearances dating back to the early 1980s. | Photo Reuters

  • Tens of thousands of peasants, rural workers, and Indigenous people in Colombia fought in the s ummer against massive land inequality and privatization decrees, as well as the right to participate in the ongoing Colombian peace talks, under the banner of the Minga (Strike) of Resistance for Life, Territory, Dignity, Peace, and the Implementation of the Agreements.

    Tens of thousands of peasants, rural workers, and Indigenous people in Colombia fought in the s ummer against massive land inequality and privatization decrees, as well as the right to participate in the ongoing Colombian peace talks, under the banner of the Minga (Strike) of Resistance for Life, Territory, Dignity, Peace, and the Implementation of the Agreements. | Photo Reuters

  • Guatemala

    Guatemala's 36-year civil war claimed the lives of 200,000 people and disappeared 45,000 more. Most victims were Indigenous. | Photo EFE

  • Berta Caceres, Honduran indigenous leader who was killed in March 2016 because of her activism

    Berta Caceres, Honduran indigenous leader who was killed in March 2016 because of her activism | Photo Goldman Environmental Prize

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