Forum 3

Who Should Tell Indigenous Stories?

The third SBS CQ debate poses the question: Who Should Tell Indigenous Stories?

SBS CQ is a debate series on issues relating to the Australian media. Hosted by Stan Grant, CQ: Who Should Tell Indigenous Stories? asks what is the right way for the media to cover Indigenous stories?

Most Australians have never met an Indigenous person.  Negative portrayal of Indigenous stories in the media can affect perceptions of Indigenous people by the broader population. They can affect Indigenous people’s perceptions of themselves.

Does this affect public policy? 

CQ features a debate between prominent Indigenous Australians such as Marcia Langton, Mick Gooda and Larissa Lee, media heavyweights such as Jeff McMullen, Liz Jackson and Jeremy Geia.

There is no doubt the media focuses on conflict and negativity.  There’s no doubt that some media do not cover issues in any depth. 

But what are the consequences when they get it wrong?

About the SBS CQ Forum

SBS CQ is a forum series and online resource around media practice, particularly as it relates to Australian cultural diversity. CQ draws on research, commentary and a range of views to take debates further around the ways media reflect, shape and interpret our society.

This special debate – the third in the series – is hosted by award-winning journalist Stan Grant, and poses the question:
Who should tell Indigenous stories?
Guests state that the media fails to cover Indigenous issues in any depth, or that it only focuses on conflict and negativity. The forum discusses how any negative portrayal of Indigenous stories in the media can shape society and affect public policy.

CQ is also an online resource for media students, practitioners and researchers, providing a space for recent research aligned with the topics we cover. Feel free to comment, contribute or contact us: email

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