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mark dickenson Feb 18
When you peel it all back you understand that our govt represent, provide information & pursue policy for vested interests
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Taxed Enuff Already Feb 19
ABC to publicly condemn and fire Yassmin Abdel-Magied over Pro Sharia Law comments.
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via in disguise. WHY do you think forgave them for sending her to prison?
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Taxed Enuff Already 8h
If Islam is so Feminist. Why is there no Female Grand Mufti or Imam?
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MVC Cr Andrew Connor 11h
At MV meeting Mayor MPs MarkShelton GregHall JonathanDuniam
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Bob Brown 13h
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Jacqui Lambie 14h
A long-term funding commitment to the Mersey Hospital has been a long time coming, I invite to announce it in Tasmania
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Bob Brown 16h
Dr Lisa Searle in canopy treesit as logging looms for Frankland River . Don't log it!
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Bob Brown 16h
Our Protect Tarkine campaign has reached the canopy, with a new tree-sit vigil. Don't Log Tarkine Forests!.
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Jacqui Lambie 19h
My thoughts are with the emergency services & any casualties their may be :( via
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AEU Tasmania Feb 19
Fed Edu Minister in Tassie 2day. what did you do to convince him to deliver Tassie's $100M money?
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Helen polley Feb 19
The Libs want to Americanise our unis, make students pay $100K for a degree & take away their ticket to a lifetime of opportunity
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Jacqui Lambie Feb 19
Sharia apologist’s tour a disgrace
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ABC News Tasmania Feb 19
Treasurer Gutwein turns up heat on councils to fix Tasmania's 'third-world' water issues
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ABC News Tasmania Feb 18
Tasmanian Government moves to ban super trawlers, urges Commonwealth to do the same
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Julie Collins Feb 16
The terrible stats in the AMA report are a direct result of the Turnbull and Hodgman Governments’ neglect of our public hospitals.
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LGTF Feb 15
The Fed Govt are reviewing dead zones in Mac Harbour but Hodgman Government’s has just ticked off Okehampton Bay FISHY!!
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