Make a gift

Overview | | Make a Bequest | Giving stories | Benefits

Giving money

Cash donations are fully tax deductible and can be made to our current appeals or for a specific purpose such as the acquisition of a work of art, exhibitions, publications or programs for adults and families and children.

Giving works of art

Donate works of art to the NGA under the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program, which will entitle you to a tax deduction for the market value of your gift.

All proposed gifts of works of art need to be discussed with the relevant curator and approved by the Gallery's Acquisition Committee. For more information visit the Cultural Gifts Program website .


Donations of $1000 or more in cash or works of art entitle you to become a member of the Foundation.

You will also be formally acknowledged in the NGA Foundation Annual Report, in the quarterly magazine Artonview and for bequests of over $100,000 your support will be acknowledged on the Gallery's honour boards.

The NGA respects those who wish to remain anonymous.