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The Short Story Competition is now closed. Head over to our Welcome Page to check out the 2017 winner and runner-up.

We’ve changed the rules…you can now enter any competition category, including this one, as many times as you like. AND there’s no entry form required.

How to Submit and Other Details:

  1. Pay the AUD$20 entry fee via PayPal, or with a debit or credit card, using the PayPal button at the bottom of this page.
  2. Attach your story as a word document to an email and put ‘Short Story Competition’ in the subject line. If you wish to order a critique (this costs extra), please mention this in the body of your email. Send your entries to:
  3. Field of Words will send email confirmation that we have received your entry and PayPal payment.
  4. Entries are to be between 1000 – 2500 words long (not including the title).
  5. Field of Words will publish the names and works of finalists around the end of each month. The work of finalists will be promoted via boosted posts across social media channels. Selection of finalists is subject to the judges’ discretion. We reserve the right not to post any finalists if we feel entries fail to demonstrate a sufficiently high standard of writing.
  6. The names and works of the winner and runner up will be published on the Field of Words website. However, copyright remains with the author.
  7. The winner of the competition will be awarded AUD$750. The runner up will be awarded AUD$200. The works of the winner and runner up will be promoted via boosted posts across social media channels.
  8. The prizes will be sent to successful entrants via PayPal.
  9. All stories must be written in English.

Please click on the links below for other important information.

Short Story Entry Information and Guidelines


Field of Words Competition Readers & Judges

Stories will be read and judged by Eileen Herbert-Goodall, who holds a Doctorate of Creative Arts, and is a published writer of fiction and non-fiction; and Shastra Deo, who holds a Masters in Writing, Editing and Publishing, is a published writer of fiction and an award-winning poet. Eileen is at times assisted with the reading load by Laura Pettenuzzo, who holds a Bachelor of Psychological Science and has worked as an intern and Assistant Editor with Busybird Publishing.

Payment & Submission for Short Story Competition

  1. Pay via PayPal. The competition entry fee is AUD$20.00 per short story.
  2. Email your story to:
  3. We will acknowledge your entry and payment via email within 24 hours.

Buy now with PayPal

Short Story Competition Submission plus Critique

Field of Words can provide a detailed critique of short story entries, which includes detailed editing notes. The cost of our editing service is AUD$40 per short story entry (additional to entry fee). As part of this service, Field of Words offers general advice as to where writers may be able to send their work for prospective publication.  

Using our critiquing service does not guarantee publication on the Field of Words site, or elsewhere. Note that if you enter the competition and request a critique simultaneously, you may also re-submit a ‘re-worked’ piece at no extra cost (provided we receive it before the closing date). 

  1. Pay via PayPal. The short story competition entry plus a critique is AUD$60.00 total.
  2. Email your story to:
  3. We will acknowledge your entry and payment via email within 24 hours.

Buy now with PayPal


If you would like us to provide a critique of your short story but don’t wish to enter our competition, see our Critiquing and Editing Services page.