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  1. @ProvehitoNAltum yeah but your questioning it doesn't hold you back from doing what you want. that is brave.
  2. @JanuaryJem not really but it was a nice gesture.
  3. @ProvehitoNAltum You are your own person but that is why I adore you. lol I think it is amazing you just packing up and moving to UT.
  4. @ProvehitoNAltum it took 9 yrs for mine to cheat. it is always just a matter of time. I know ye of little faith...but hey I'm a cynic now.
  5. @JanuaryJem I had a friend who lives in London & had her send me the UK Vogue when Gerard Butler was in it a couple of years ago. LOL
  6. @ThatChrisGore He does have that douche bag look to him.
  7. @JanuaryJem great thank you. I;ll see if I can find it.
  8. The guy upstairs cheated on his girlfriend/wife. Yet another one. I'm almost completely convinced that it is just a fact of life. Men cheat.
  9. @JanuaryJem I'll see if I can find it and save you the trouble. Thanks for the offer though. what issue is that?
  10. @JanuaryJem any way you can scan it?
  11. Morning everyone. Go read my rant about lame slasher movies
  12. The fact she is fighting with yo mean she cares you cheating jerk. I don't know why she doesn't leave your ass though. #badmemories.
  13. Up stairs neighbors are fighting because he cheated on her & thinks she doesn't care. She is fighting with you about it right you asshole.
  14. WTF? Are you really going to trade Randy Moss 4 games into the season. What because he didn't make a catch last Monday?
  15. @laurenacarlton sorry you had a ruff night.
  16. Enough pleading people to read my blog & unsuccessfully flirting w/ @eliroth (what I'm married not dead) the pig really is cute. off to bed.
  17. Hey read my rant about lame slasher movies @frankie_sayss @Fashionechelon @laurenacarlton @Angelxedge