See what other businesses are doing on Facebook
Explore creative examples and make your own ad mockups

Financial services

Find the right customers with Facebook for financial services.

Increase your efficiency, scalability and profitability in a mobile-first world.

Reach a large audience with Facebook ads


Over 1.8 billion people around the world use Facebook every month. You can easily connect with people on Facebook at every stage of the customer lifecycle — from prospects to customers — to boost your marketing efficiency.

Use Messenger from Facebook for automated interactions and customer services


1 billion people use Messenger every month. Messaging is fast and convenient, so many businesses are using it to increase sales, improve customer service and set up automated interactions with people.

Use Facebook marketing solutions to grow your Financial Services business


By 2020, 2 billion people will use mobile banking.1 Grow your business by meeting people's expectation that they can manage their finances on mobile across every stage of the customer lifecycle.

Example of a Facebook mobile ad from Citibank to generate leads (credit card applications)

2.3xincrease in customer leads

Citibank Thailand

Read their story

More leads for Citibank

Citibank wanted more credit card applicants, and used Facebook ads to collect more leads — for less.

Example of an Instagram mobile ad from SoFi to get leads for loan applications

39%increase in loan applications


Investing in mobile ads pays off for SoFi

Online lender SoFi needed to grow awareness of their brand and get more loan applications. They did both with a mobile ad campaign that ran across Facebook and Instagram.

Accomplish your goals

Find the right Facebook marketing solution to tackle your biggest challenges.

Lead generation with Facebook ads for your Financial Services business

Collect leads

Use lead ads to encourage people to apply or sign up for more information.

Use Lookalike Audiences from Facebook to target an audience similar to your Financial Service business

Find more people like your customers

You can reach people similar to your customers, website visitors or mobile app users with Lookalike Audiences.

Use Messenger from Facebook for offering additional customer service for your Financial Services business

Offer better customer service

Messaging is a great way to communicate with your customers in a personal way.

Facebook has been a game-changing platform for YES BANK. It’s given us the ability to reach huge and highly targeted audiences for specific products and services.

Rajat Mehta

Senior President of Retail Marketing, YES BANK


See how the financial services industry is using Facebook to grow

USAA reached more people and grew their brand.

Prudential reinvigorated brand awareness in a key country.

YES BANK collected more leads for less with Facebook lead ads.

Bradesco got more people to use their banking app.

Start growing your business on Facebook.

A family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect.

Facebook for Business

Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.