Boost Your Posts

Boosted posts appear higher in News Feed and on Instagram, so there's a better chance your audience will see them.

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Learn about the different types of ads you can create from your Page

Creating ads directly from your Page is one of the fastest and easiest ways to reach people on Facebook and Instagram who matter most to your business. But knowing which ad type to choose can be difficult, so we want to help you navigate your options.

Types of Ads

Think about what type of action you want people to take after seeing your ad. Do you want people to engage with your ad (share or comment on it), like your Page, go to your website or just become more aware of your business?

If you've got a specific outcome in mind, then you should match that outcome to the ad type that's most likely to help you reach your goals. For instance, if you want to send people to your website, then you should choose the Promote Your Website option.

Promote Your Page

Do you want to build your audience on Facebook and get more Page likes? If so, try promoting your Page. When people like your Page, your posts may show up in their News Feed and on Instagram. Promoting your Page may help you reach new customers while staying in touch with existing ones.

When you promote your Page, your ads will be optimized to reach people within your audience who are likely to like your Page.

If you want to reach people in your community, build local awareness and even potentially increase in-store sales, you should try promoting your local business.

Check out this advertiser success story to learn more about how promoting your Page could help you reach the people and customers you care about.

Get started promoting your Page.

Promote Your Local Business

Do you want to build local awareness for your business, increase foot traffic in your store or increase in-store sales? Do you care most about reaching the people nearby? If so, try promoting your local business.

When you promote your local business, you'll be able to target people within a set radius around your business, and people living in or visiting any area within that radius will be eligible to see your ads.

Check out this advertiser success story to learn more about promoting your business could help your reach people in your local community.

Get started promoting your local business.

Boost Post

Boost Post

Do you want people seeing, liking, commenting on and sharing the posts you create on your Page? If so, try boosting a post. To boost a post, you'll just need to locate the blue Boost Post option in the bottom-right corner of one of your Page posts.

Boosting posts is a great option if your goal is to increase engagement with your audience and get people interacting with the content you share on Facebook and Instagram.

When you boost a post, your ads will be optimized to reach people within your audience who are likely to take some action on your ad, like sharing it.

Check out this advertiser success story to learn more about how boosting posts could help you engage with your customers.

Get started boosting posts.

Promote Your Website

Do you want more people to see your website? If so, try promoting your website. When you promote your website, you'll have the option to send people to a specific URL. You can drive people to your website's homepage, to your online store or any page you choose.

You can also create a carousel format ad when you promote your website. These ads can have multiple images and each image can have its own headline and click-through link. If you have multiple products you'd like to showcase in a single ad, this might be the right ad choice for you.

When you promote your website, your ads will be optimized to reach people within your audience who are likely to click your ad.

Check out this advertiser success story to learn more about a company was able to increase registrations for their event by sending people to their website.

Get started promoting your website.

Where to Create Ads
Use the Promote button to create different types of ads

To view the types of ads you can create from your Page, go to your Page and click the blue Promote button in the top-right corner. You should see a list of the ad types available.

Use the Boost Post button to create an ad from one of your Page's posts

If you want to boost a post you've published on your Page, just click the Boost Post button in the bottom-right corner of a post.

Creating Your Ads
Best practices for Promoting Your Page

When you create a promoted Page ad, you'll see a Choose Audience section where you'll get to choose from different targeting options. The targeting options for this type of ad include location, interests, age and gender. Keep in mind that location targeting is the only required targeting option. Use the other targeting options if you want more control over the types of people who see your ad.

After you've chosen your audience, you'll need to pick a daily budget and set a schedule for your ad in the Choose Budget section. Under the daily budget you pick, pay attention to Est. likes per day. Keep in mind that this number is just an estimate, you may get more or fewer likes each day. The estimate should give you an idea of how your ad may perform based on the audience and budget you've chosen. If you want to increase your estimated likes per day, you may want to try adding or removing different targeting options and changing the budget to see if your estimate goes up.

After you've finished choosing your targeting and budgeting options, set a schedule for your ad. You can choose to run your ad continuously, which means the ad will continue to run each day until you turn it off. You can also set a custom end date for your ad.

Best practices for Promoting Your Local Business

When you create a local business promotion, you'll choose your targeting options in the Audience section. We'll automatically default your radius (the area around your business) to help you reach the right-sized audience. The default radius is based on local population density and the number of people who've recently visited the area. You can also set the radius yourself from 1 mile to 50 miles around your business. Above the map that shows your radius, you'll see your Potential Reach, which is the total number of people in the area who are eligible to see your ad. To increase your potential reach, try increasing your radius.

When you promote your local business, you'll also be able to choose targeting options like age and gender. Currently, you can't choose interests targeting when you run a local business promotion because interest targeting may cause your audience to be too narrow, which could affect your ad's delivery.

Once you've created your audience, you'll need to set a budget and schedule for your ad in the Budget and Duration section. Below the budget you set, you'll see Estimated Daily Reach. Keep in mind that the number you see is only an estimate, you may reach more or fewer people each day, but the estimate should give you an idea of how your ad may perform based on the audience and budget you've chosen. If you want to increase your Estimated Daily Reach, try increasing your budget.

After you've finished choosing your targeting and budgeting options, set your schedule. You can choose to run your ad continuously, which means the ad will continue to run each day until you turn it off. You can also set a custom end date for your ad.

Best practices for Promoting Your Website

When you create a promoted website ad, you'll see an Audience section where you'll get to choose between different targeting options. The targeting options for this type of ad include location, interests, age and gender. Keep in mind that location targeting is the only required targeting option. Use the other targeting options if you want more control over the types of people who see your ad.

After you've chosen your audience, you'll need to pick a daily budget and set a schedule for your ad in the Budget and Duration section. Under the daily budget you pick, pay attention to Est. clicks per day. Keep in mind that the number you'll see is just an estimate, you may get more or fewer clicks each day, but the estimate should give you an idea of how your ad may perform based on the audience and budget you've chosen. If you want to increase your estimated clicks per day, you may want to try adding or removing different targeting options and changing the budget to see if your estimate goes up.

After you've finished choosing your targeting and budgeting options, set your schedule. You can choose to run your ad continuously, which means the ad will continue to run each day until you turn it off. You can also set a custom end date for your ad.

Best practices for boosting a post

When you boost a post from your Page, you'll see an Audience section where you'll get to choose between different targeting options. In the Audience section, you can choose to target your ad to:

  • People who like your Page
  • People who like your Page and their friends
  • People you choose through targeting

If you only want to target your boosted post to people who currently like your Page, choose the People who like your Page option. If you're interested in finding people similar to those who already like your Page, then you may want to try targeting to People who like your Page and their friends. With these two options, you can also set a location.

If you'd like create a new audience, choose the People you choose through targeting option, which will allow you to create a custom audience and choose from targeting options like location, interests, age and gender. Keep in mind that location targeting is the only required targeting option. Use the other targeting options if you want more control over the types of people who see your ad.

After you've chosen your audience, you'll need to pick a budget and set a schedule for your ad in the Budget and Duration section. Under the budget you pick, pay attention to Est. People Reached. Keep in mind that this number is just an estimate, you may get more or less reach, but the estimate should give you an idea of how your ad may perform based on the audience and budget you've chosen. If you want to increase your estimated people reached, you may want to try adding or removing different targeting options and changing the budget to see if your estimate goes up.

After you've finished choosing your targeting and budgeting options, choose how long you want your boosted post to run for in the Duration section.

Tracking Ad Performance

After your ad has been running for a while, you'll be able to track its performance directly from your business's Page.

How's my boosted post performing?

To see how your boosted post is doing, just find the post on your Page. Right away you'll be able to see the total number of people your boosted post has reached. If you want to see organic vs. paid reach, just hover over the orange bar.

For even more info, click the button on the bottom-right of the post. You'll be able to see things like the number of people who engaged with your boosted post's photo, the number of people who liked your post and more.

How can I see how my Page promotion or website promotion is doing?

Go to your Page and in the top-left corner, click Notifications. In the left-column of the page that appears, you'll be able to see your Page Ad Results or your Website Ad Results depending on the type of ad you created.

  • If you promoted your Page, you'll see performance information like the number of new likes you received plus the total number of people your promoted Page ad reached.
  • If you promoted your website, you'll see performance information like the number of people who clicked as well as the total number of people your promoted website ad reached.
How can I see how my local awareness promotion is doing?

Go to your Page and in the top-left corner, click Notifications. In the left-column of the page that appears, you'll be able to see your Local Awareness Ad Results.

  • If you promoted your local business, you'll be able to see performance information like the number of people your local awareness ad reached as well as the number of local impressions your ad received.
Tips for Improving Ad Performance
My ad's not running. What can I do?

If your ad isn't running, check the following:

  • Check to make sure your ad hasn't been paused or stopped. You might also want to check with other admins and advertisers on the Page to see if someone else stopped or paused the ad.
  • Check to make sure your ad was approved. If you received a notification that your ad wasn't approved, you should make the necessary changes or create a new ad and start a new promotion. One of the most common reasons an ad doesn't get approved is that the ad's image contains more than 20% text.
My ad's not reaching anyone. What can I do?

If your ad isn't reaching anyone, check the following:

  • Check to see if you've reached the limit of your budget. If your budget has run out, you may be able to increase it. If you no longer have the option to increase your budget, create a new promotion.
  • Make sure that your ad hasn't been running too long. Ads that run longer than a week or so tend to decline in performance, even if they were initially very successful. We recommend creating a new ad with a new image or text about once a week.
  • You've edited your ad multiple times in a short period of time. It takes our ad delivery system 24 hours to adjust the performance level for your ad, and this can take longer when you edit your ad frequently. To fix it, let your ad run for at least 24 hours before you edit it again.
  • Your audience is too broad for your budget. The people in the audience you create are eligible to see your ad, but your budget influences how many people will actually see it. When your budget is too low for the size of your audience, it can make it hard for your ads to compete with other advertisers who can spend more money to reach the same audience. As a result, your ad may reach even fewer people than we predict. To fix it, try creating a new ad with a more tightly-focused audience.

If you want to learn more about your Page's audience and have at least 30 Page likes, you can view Page Insights.

Other Ways to Create Ads

If you're interested in more targeting options or want to create multiple ads at once, then you should consider trying ad creation or Power Editor.

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Boosted Posts Basics

You can boost most posts you create on your Page, including status updates, photos, videos and offers. Posts you boost will appear higher in News Feed to help more people see them and may also appear on Instagram. Keep in mind that boosted posts must follow Facebook's Advertising Policies.

Note: At this time, it's only possible to boost posts that were written after June 21, 2012.

Learn how to boost posts.

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Boosted posts appear more frequently in News Feed, so there's a better chance the audience for the posts will see them. Boosted posts are labeled Sponsored. Boosted posts don't appear in the right column of Facebook.

Example of a boosted post:

Learn how to boost posts.

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Yes. Boosting your post simply increases the likelihood that your audience will see your post in their News Feeds.

Learn more about who can see your boosted page posts.

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This feature is rolling out gradually and may not be available to you right now.

When you run a promotion and have it deliver on Instagram, you'll receive an email with billing information, including the spend and results on Instagram. If you also ran your promotion on Facebook, you'll receive another separate email, with results specifically for Facebook.

Together, these bills provide the total spend and reach for your promotion.

Learn more about billing for Facebook Ads

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Boosting Posts From Your Page

You can only boost a post from your Page. Posts from a personal profile can't be boosted.

To boost posts on your Page:

  1. Go to a post you've created and then click Boost Post in the lower-right corner.
  2. Choose your audience and budget based on how many people you want to reach on Facebook and Instagram and how long you'd like your boost to run. You can also change your payment method.
  3. Click Boost Post.

Having issues boosting your post? If you're not seeing the Boost Post option, it might be that the post has already been boosted or can't be boosted. Learn more about what the different buttons mean on your Page's posts.

For more targeting options, try boosting a Page post in ad creation. If you want information on how your post is doing, you can check out your boosted post's performance.

Alternatives to boosting posts

Video guide to boosting a post from your Page

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The cost to boost a post depends on how many people you want to reach. To see different budget options, go to your post and click Boost Post. In the box below Total Budget, you can choose one of the budgets that appears or you can click Choose Your Own to set a custom budget.

Once you've chosen your budget, you can look at Est. People Reached to get an idea of how many people your boosted post can reach with the budget and targeting options you've chosen. If you want a higher reach, try increasing your budget or updating your targeting preferences to see how different factors impact your reach.

The budget you choose is a lifetime budget that will be spent throughout the duration of your boosted post. You'll be charged for the impressions on your post, which may sometimes be less than your budget. Learn more about your payment options and how to see detailed billing information.

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Admins, editors, moderators and advertisers can create boosted Page posts. Learn more about the different kinds of Page roles.

People who manage Pages can also give someone else access to their advertising account so they can create boosted Page posts.

Create an Ad

Learn more about what types of posts you can boost and how to stop a boosted post after it's started running.
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You can choose the audience for your boosted Page posts. When you boost your post, you can target your ad to People who like your Page, People who like your Page and their friends or People you choose through targeting. If you choose people through targeting, you can target based on location, interests, age and gender

You can see more advanced targeting options in Ads creation. Learn more about creating ads for your Page in ads creation.

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Like ads, boosted Page posts will be reviewed by Facebook. Boosted Page posts are generally reviewed in less than 60 minutes. However, in some instances, it may take longer. Just like with posts you don't boost, your posts should show up in the News Feeds of some of the people who like your Page right away.

If you're worried your post won't be approved on time, you can always schedule your post early. Once scheduled, click Boost Post. Your boost should start on the day your post is scheduled to begin.

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You can select the number of days you want your boosted post to run. When you boost a post from your Page, go to Duration and choose to run the boost for one to 7 days.

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No, boosted posts that aren't approved won't accrue any additional charges from that point. Keep in mind that a boosted post may have charges from before it was reviewed. That's because the boosted post was running before it was reviewed.

All boosted posts must adhere to Facebook's Advertising Policies. If your post violates any of the guidelines, your boost will not be approved. Learn more about our policies.
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You might notice that some of your Page posts don't have the Boost Post option. There are a few reasons why this button might not be showing up. The chart below should help you figure out when you can and can't boost a post. You can also determine whether an already boosted post can be paused or deleted.

What does the button mean?Can this post be boosted?How do I boost the post?Can I pause or delete the boost?

The button says Boost Post.

You can boost this post.Yes.Click Boost Post.There's no boost to pause or delete.

The button says you have a certain amount of budget left.

You've boosted this post already and you have $2 left. The dollar amount will vary based on how much you have left to spend.The post is already boosted.The post is already boosted.You can pause or delete the boost at anytime.

The button says Boosted.

Another person with a role on the Page boosted this post.Yes.The person who boosted the post will need to either increase its budget or delete the boost so that it can be re-boosted by someone else.The person who boosted the post will need to pause or delete the boost.

The button says See Results.

Your boost has ended but you can still add budget.Yes.Click See Results and then increase your budget to continue boosting the post. You can delete the boost and its existing insights.

The button says See Results.

Your boost has ended and you can no longer add budget because the post is too old.Yes.Click See Results > Create New Boost > Delete Boost. You can now boost the post. You can delete the boost and its existing insights.

The button says Boost Unavailable.

You can't boost this post.No.You may be able to learn more by hovering over Boost Unavailable or you can look through a list of common reasons boosts are unavailable.There's no boost to pause or delete.

The button says Not Boosted.

If your boosted post was disapproved after you boosted it, you'll see Not Boosted. If you're not sure why the post was disapproved, please refer to our ad policies.No.You can't boost the post. Try creating a new post that meets our Advertising Policies.There's no boost to pause or delete.
Keep in mind that all boosted posts must adhere to Facebook's Advertising Policies. If your post violates any of the guidelines, your boost will not be approved. Learn more about our guidelines.

Learn more about how to boost posts.

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Facebook posts containing stories about Notes, change of Profile Pictures, or new Life Events are not eligible to be boosted.

There are many reasons a boost might be unavailable. Check out the list below for some of the most common issues.

You may see Boost Unavailable in the following situations:

  • Expired offer: You can't boost an offer that's expired. Create a new offer.
  • Past event: You can't boost an event that's in the past. Create a new event.
  • Page role: You need to be either an admin, advertiser, moderator or editor on the Page to boost posts. Reach out to an admin on the Page to request they update your Page role.
  • Unpublished Page: You can't boost a post if you haven't published your Page yet.
  • Photo Album: Some photo albums aren't eligible to be boosted. Learn how to boost a photo album and what type of posts containing photo albums can be boosted.
  • Post is too old: Posts published before June 21, 2012 can't be boosted.
  • Disabled shared login: Another admin on the account likely upgraded to Business Manager. You'll need to contact the other people you shared the login with and have the person who transitioned the account send you an invitation to join Business Manager.
  • Ad Account closed: If your ad account is closed, you won't be able to boost posts. You can reactivate a closed ad account by going to your Ads Manager, clicking Reactivate at the top of the Page and following the steps on the next page.
  • Ad Account Flagged: If your ad account was flagged for unusual activity, you won't be able to boost any posts. To check the status of your account, go to your Ads Manager.
  • Changed profile picture: Page posts for changing a profile picture are not eligible to be boosted.
  • Mobile app installs: mobile app install posts to your Page are not eligible to be boosted.

Learn more on how to edit a boosted post.

Manage your Ads

Keep in mind that all boosted posts must adhere to Facebook's Advertising Policies. If your post doesn't meet any of the guidelines, your boost won't be approved.

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You must be both the Page admin and the event creator to choose these objectives.

You can advertise for your event with different objectives.

1. Event Responses, optimized for on-Facebook event responses, daily unique reach, impressions, or clicks anywhere on your ad.

2. Ticket Sales, optimized for clicks to your ticket website

Learn how to advertise for each objective:

For Event Responses, optimized for on-Facebook event responses

You can advertise for an event by boosting it from the following entry points:

  • Boost Event button on Event Insights
  • Boost Event button on the event's post on your Page
  • Boost Event button on Event Page Tab

After clicking the Boost Event button from one of the above entry points:

  1. Choose your advertising objective Event Responses
  2. Choose your budget and schedule
  3. Click Boost

For Ticket Sales, optimized for clicks to your ticket website:
You must include a URL in the Ticket URL text field of Edit Event.

You can advertise for an event by boosting it from the following entry points:

  • Boost Event button on Event Insights
  • Boost Event button on your Page
  • Boost Event button on Event Page tab

After clicking the Boost Event button from one of the entry points:

  1. Select the advertising objective Increase Ticket Sales
  2. Choose your budget and schedule
  3. Click Boost

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Boosting Photo Albums

Note: Only posts that appear in your Page's feed can be boosted.

Stories about photo albums you've uploaded to your Page are like any other post you boost from your Page, in that you'll need to locate the post on your timeline or create a new post in order to boost them. If you want to boost a photo album you created a long time ago, you can either look for it on your timeline, or you can go to your album and add photos to it. When you add photos to an album, a new post will automatically be created on your timeline.

Keep in mind that you don't have to create a photo album to boost posts with multiple images.

Create a post containing a new photo album and boost the album

To create a post with a new album:
  1. Start creating a post
  2. Click Photo/Video
  3. Click Create Photo Album
  4. Upload the images you'd like to include in the album
  5. Click Post
To boost a post containing a new album:
  1. Go to your timeline and find the post that contains the album you created
  2. In the bottom-right corner of the post, click Boost Post
  3. Fill in the details of your promotion and click Boost

Add photos to an existing photo album and boost the album

To create a post from an existing album:
  1. Go to Photos > Albums on your Page
  2. Click the album you'd like to add images to
  3. Click Add Photos
  4. Upload the images you'd like to add to the photo album
  5. Click Post
To boost a post containing an existing album:
  1. Go to your timeline and find the post that contains the album you created
  2. In the bottom-right corner of the post, click Boost Post
  3. Fill in the details of your promotion and click Boost
I've followed the steps above but can't boost my post, why?
  1. If one or more of the photos in the album has been backdated, the post can't be boosted.
  2. Currently, you can only boost a photo album from a desktop computer. You can't boost posts containing albums from a mobile device.
Can I boost a photo album that I've added pictures to on multiple days?

    Yes, but the boost will only show the most recent images you've uploaded.

    For example, say you created a new album yesterday that contained 4 photos. Today, you decided to add 4 more photos to that same album. Each day you add new photos to the album, a new post will be created on your Page, and each post can be boosted separately.

Why is there only 1 image showing up when I boost my photo album?

If you've followed the steps to boost your photo album but you're only seeing 1 image on your boosted post, it's likely you've recently added an additional photo to the album.

When you upload a single image to an album you've already created, that image will be the only image that shows in the ad you create. If you want multiple images to show in the ad, you should go back to the album and add multiple images at once.

Note: With a photo album ad that only shows 1 image, you can backdate the image if you need to and you'll still be able to boost the post it appears in.

You can only boost photo albums from a desktop computer right now.
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Managing Your Boosted Page Posts

You can view insights for your boosted post when you go to your Page > click the Promotions tab.

You'll then be able to view a summary of all promotions created from your Page, as well as manage, edit or pause promotions from your Page.

At the bottom of your boosted post, you can see the total number of unique people who have seen your post. Hover over or click this number to see the following breakdown:

  • Organic Reach: The number of people who have seen your post in News Feed, ticker or on your Page's Timeline
  • Paid Reach: The number of people who have seen your post through an ad

You can also see how your boosted post is performing by:

  • Clicking See Results at the bottom of your boosted post to see the demographics of the people who saw your boosted posts and the actions they took as a result
  • Going to your Ads Manager
  • Going to the Posts section of your Page Insights
Manage your Ads
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Keep in mind: You can only edit boosted posts with multiple photos on desktop right now.
Editing a boosted post

Yes, you can edit a Page post’s text after it's been boosted.

To edit the boosted post:

  1. Go to your Page
  2. Hover over your post
  3. Click in the top-right corner and select Edit Post
  4. Edit your post and click Done Editing

To delete a boosted post:

  1. Go to the post and click the button in the bottom right displaying the amount left in your budget (ex: $5.00 Left, Boosted for $5.00)
  2. Click in the bottom-left corner of the window that appears
  3. Select Delete > Delete Ad

Keep in mind deleting a post will also stop it from being boosted.

Learn how to edit the budget, targeting and schedule of a boosted post.
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You can either pause or delete your boost. Pausing allows you to resume your boost later, while deleting removes the boost altogether from Facebook and Instagram. Keep in mind deleting your boost doesn't delete your post.

To pause your boost:

  1. Go to the post and click the button in the bottom right displaying the amount left in your budget (ex: $5.00 Left, Boosted for $5.00)
  2. Click Pause in the window that appears
  3. Click Pause to confirm

Once your boost is paused, the button on the bottom right will say Boost Paused. To resume your boost, click Boost Paused and click Resume.

To delete your boost:

  1. Go to the post and click the button in the bottom right displaying the amount left in your budget (ex: $5.00 Left, Boosted for $5.00)
  2. Click in the bottom-left corner of the window that appears
  3. Click Delete
  4. Click Delete Boost to confirm

When you pause or delete a boost, the boost will stop and you'll stop accruing new charges. It's important to remember that you don't pre-pay when you boost a post. That means you may be billed after pausing or deleting your boosted Page post for the impressions or clicks that occurred while your boost was active.

Learn more about what happens to your budget when you delete or pause a boosted post.

You can view insights for your boosted post when you go to your Page > click the Promotions tab.

You'll then be able to view a summary of all promotions created from your Page, as well as manage, edit or pause promotions from your Page.

Don't see the pause or delete option?

If you've followed the directions but haven't found the Pause or Delete option, it's likely that you don't have access to the advertising account of the person who boosted the post. You'll need to reach out to the person who boosted the post and request that they pause or delete it.

You can also ask the person who boosted the post to give you access to their advertising account.

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If you want to edit your boosted Page posts image or text, learn how to edit boosted posts.


You can increase or decrease your boosted post’s budget on the post itself.

To increase your budget:

  1. Go to the post and hover over the amount left in your budget at the bottom right
  2. Click the box next to Add Budget to select an amount from the dropdown menu
  3. Click Add Budget

To decrease your budget:

  1. Go to the post and hover over the amount left in your budget at the bottom right
  2. Click the at the bottom-left of the window
  3. Press Delete and confirm Delete Boost
  4. Click Boost Post, then enter your new budget
  5. Click Boost to re-boost your post at the new budget
Targeting & Schedule

You can change the budget, targeting and schedule of your boosted post in your Ads Manager and in Power Editor.

Editing in Ads Manager:

  1. Go to your Ads Manager
  2. Click the campaign that your ad set is in
  3. Hover over the name of your ad set, then click > Edit Ad Set
  4. In the editor that appears, make your changes and click Save and Close

Go to Ads Manager

Editing in Power Editor:

  1. Go to Power Editor
  2. Click on the left side
  3. Check the box next to the ad set you want to edit
  4. Click Edit
  5. In the editor that appears, make your changes
  6. When you're done, click Review Changes to publish your changes

Go to Power Editor

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If you choose to pause or delete the boost on a Page post before the boost ends, you'll only be charged for the portion of your budget that was already spent to boost your post. If you resume a paused boost, you'll continue to pay until you've used the total budget you initially set.

For example, if you boosted a Page post for $10 and delete or pause the boost after spending just $5, you'll only be charged the $5 you already spent to boost the post.

It's important to remember that you don't pre-pay when you boost a post. That means you may be billed after pausing or deleting your boosted Page post.

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When you boost a post, you'll see Est. People Reached. Estimated People Reached is based on several factors, including the average performance of all boosted post ads targeted to your selected audience. Competition for your selected audience as well as the size of your audience, the budget you set and the quality of your creative may all play a role in how many people your ad is able to reach.

Estimated People Reached is only an estimate. Estimated reach is intended to help you figure out how much you want to spend on ads and isn't intended to be a prediction of how many people will actually see your ad once it's running.

If there are more boosted Page posts running than estimated when you boosted your post, the price will increase and reach will decrease. You will only be charged for the actual reach of your promotion.

Boosting a post that has been targeted to a specific location or language may also reduce your reach. The number of people you reach by boosting your post is in addition to the reach your post normally receives.

Learn to see how a boosted post is performing.

You can view insights for your boosted post when you go to your Page > click the Insights tab.

You'll then be able to view a summary of all promotions created from your Page, as well as manage, edit or pause promotions from your Page.

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For each Page post, total reach is broken down into organic reach and paid reach. After you boost a post on your Page, the number that represents organic reach might go down. This is because the people who saw your Page’s post before it was boosted and then saw your post again after it was boosted are now counted toward paid reach.

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Keep in mind, anyone who works on a Page can boost posts. If you're seeing paid reach for a post that you didn't boost, another admin or advertiser on the Page likely promoted it.

A boosted a post is billed to the ad account belonging to whoever promoted it. See how to check detailed billing information here.

If you've checked with other admins and think this isn't the case, let us know.

Learn more about the different types of Page roles and what they can do.

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If you want to create ads for your Page, you can promote your Page.