
Success Story

Making herd mentality a good thing

The group-buying site relies on Facebook Ads in News Feed to market its latest deals and promotions, with the platform now accounting for 25% of its revenue.
  • 25% of revenue is directly attributable to Facebook
  • 484,000 unique Facebook users on average saw content from the Page on a daily basis during the last month
  • 11% of site traffic originates from Facebook

Their Story

Strength in numbers

Established in 2010, FunShare is a popular group-buying website offering direct daily deals at huge discounts to subscribers in Hong Kong.

Their Goal

Getting people on board

FunShare’s business model is based on customers purchasing its special offers and then sharing them with friends. The company wanted to build the largest audience possible in the Hong Kong market, create a community of shoppers familiar with its brand and encourage direct purchases.
Facebook gives us a platform where we can enhance our brand presence, build a user community and convert these users into paying customers. That’s unique and powerful.
Herman Cheng, CEO, FunShare

Their Solution

Always-on deals

FunShare’s reached out to shoppers starting with its Facebook Page, highlighting partner offers with separate tabs. Ads in News Feed were “always on” to reach a targeted group of people, attract new likes to the Page and market the latest offers and promotions. FunShare appealed to fans via regular posts about deals to encourage purchases, and asked questions in each post to maximize engagement.

Their Success

Boosting the bottom line

Facebook has become a vital part of FunShare’s marketing strategy. Its results include:
  • 25% of revenue is directly attributable to Facebook
  • 11% of site traffic originates from Facebook
  • An average of 484,000 unique Facebook users saw content from the Page on a daily basis during the last month