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Facebook Brand Lift

Brand Lift

See how your brand campaigns resonate with your audience.

Measure what matters for your brand

Instead of just measuring clicks, our measurement solutions give you a clear picture of the results that matter most. Brand Lift works across Facebook and Instagram to accurately measure brand awareness, impact and ad recall — the metrics that ultimately help you reach your business objectives.

Brand campaign optimization

Evaluate results

See how your campaign impacts brand metrics like ad recall and purchase intent.

Brand campaign impact

Monitor growth

Measure the impact of your Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns.

Reporting with Facebook Brand Lift

Build your message

Use the data to inform future campaign creation.

Here’s how Brand Lift works

When you run an ad with Brand Lift, your audience is divided into two groups—people who see the ads and people who don't. Then a poll with questions about your brand are delivered to both groups so you can analyze the lift in brand metrics across groups.

Measure your brand campaigns effectively

Facebook Brand Lift is available to advertisers running eligible brand campaigns. You can access this through your account representative. To learn more about Brand Lift, read more on the Help Center.

Start spreading the word about your business.

Additional resources

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