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Facebook Carousel Ads

Carousel ads

Show more in a single ad on Facebook and Instagram.

Create an Ad

More space to drive action

The carousel format allows you to showcase up to 10 images or videos within a single ad, each with its own link. With more creative space within an ad, you can highlight different products, showcase specific details about one product, service or promotion, or tell a story about your brand that develops across each carousel card. The ad format can be used by any business to accomplish a variety of advertising objectives.

Facebook carousel ads perform better1 because...

More advertising space

They’re bigger

You have more space to tell your story or showcase your products.

Show multiple ads in a unique ad unit

They’re interactive

To see your whole story, people can swipe or click through the carousel.

Select ad format as images or videos

They’re flexible

You have up to 10 cards that you can fill with photos or videos to tell your story creatively.

Ways to use the carousel format on Facebook and Instagram

Show multiple products

Give customers more options and encourage them to purchase by showing a different product on each carousel card, with links to different landing pages.

Highlight different features of a single product

Use each carousel card to show different product angles or details to better inform customers.

Tell a story

Use images or videos in succession to illustrate a compelling narrative.

Explain a process

Walk people through how your business works step by step.

An ad example of a Facebook carousel ad on mobile

We used carousel link ads to tell a story about our product. The results were a 3x decrease in cost per click, driving more volume of potential customers for less money to our website.

Derin Oyekan

Co-Founder and CMO, JewelScent

Creating your carousel ad

Additional resources

Facebook Blueprint

Learn more about creative ways to use the carousel format to tell your story in our on-demand webinar.

Marketing Partners

Get expert help with buying and creating ads from a Facebook Marketing Partner or an Instagram Partner.

Tell your story with a carousel to start growing your business.

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Facebook for Business

Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.