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Facebook App Engagement ads

App engagement ads

Encourage people to take action in your app.

Create an Ad

Creating a seamless mobile experience for users generates more business for you

Facebook app engagement ads help you increase actions in your mobile app. They're designed to help you reach the people who have and use your mobile app, so you can encourage them to come back and take actions like shopping, playing or booking travel. From an app engagement ad, you can send people to a specific area in your app—such as a product page, travel search or the start of a game.

Reconnect with app users

Reconnect with people who used your app in the past.

Encourage app interactions

Encourage people to shop, play, or make a booking.

Encourage app user retention

Grow business in your mobile app.

It was most exciting to learn that ads targeted to active spenders drove significant lift in purchases compared to active spenders who did not see ads. This has huge impact on our business because it gives us a strong channel for keeping our spenders engaged with the game and making purchases.

Alyssa Perry

Head of Global Marketing & Monetization, Zindagi Games

Example of a successful campaign with Facebook App engagement ad

Grow your mobile app business today.

To run an app engagement ad, select either the Traffic or Conversion objective in Ads Manager.

Additional resources

Facebook Blueprint

Take our elearning course on using Facebook app engagement ads to grow usage of your app.

Ads Guide

A family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect.

Facebook for Business

Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.