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Ads Manager

Create and manage your ads on mobile or desktop.

Go to Ads Manager

Your ad campaign command center

When you’re ready to run ads on Facebook, Instagram or Audience Network, Facebook Ads Manager is the place to start. Ads Manager is an all-in-one tool for creating your ads, managing when and where they’ll run and tracking how well your campaigns are performing. Though a powerful ad management tool, Ads Manager is designed for advertisers of any size and experience level. And with the Ads Manger mobile app, you’ll be able to keep an eye on your campaigns and make changes from anywhere.

Easily create ads

In Ads Manager you can:

  • Choose the objective of your ad campaign.
  • Select your audience.
  • Upload your ad creative.
  • Write ad copy.
  • Review how your ads look on different devices.
Easy interface for Facebook ad creation
Manage Facebook ad campaigns

Review and adjust your ad campaigns

Ads Manager makes it easy to:

  • Edit your budget, audience, placement options and creative.
  • Edit multiple ads in bulk.
  • Pause, copy or relaunch your ad campaigns.
Get reports on your Facebook ads

Real-time reporting tells you what’s working

Ads Manager reporting tools help you:

  • See if your ads are driving their intended goal.
  • Identify areas to adjust (like your image, budget or audience) for improved performance.
  • Spot performance trends over time.
  • Collaborate with others by saving, scheduling and sharing reports.
Learn more about tracking ad performance
Example of the Facebook Ads Manager app interface
Facebook Pages Manager app icon

Facebook Ads Manager

Monitor and manage your ad campaigns from anywhere with the Ads Manager mobile app.

  • Track ad performance
  • Create and edit ads
  • Receive push notifications
  • Manage ad budgets and schedules

Start creating and managing Facebook Ads today.

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Facebook for Business

Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.