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Facebook Pixel

The Facebook pixel

A piece of code for your website that lets you measure, optimize and build audiences for your ad campaigns.

Go to Ads Manager
Measure conversions with the Facebook Pixel

Measure cross-device conversions

See how your customers are moving between devices before they convert.

Optimize for the audience most likely to convert with the Facebook Pixel

Optimize delivery to people likely to take action

Ensure your ads are shown to people most likely to take the action you want them to take.

Retarget website visitors with the Facebook Pixel

Create Custom Audiences from website visitors

Dynamic ads help you automatically show website visitors the products they viewed on your website—or related ones.

Measure website traffic with the Facebook Pixel

Learn about your website traffic

Get rich insights about how people use your website from your Facebook pixel dashboard.

How the Facebook pixel works

When someone visits your website and takes an action (for example, buying something), the Facebook pixel is triggered and reports this action. This way, you'll know when a customer took an action after seeing your Facebook ad. You'll also be able to reach this customer again by using a Custom Audience. When more and more conversions happen on your website, Facebook gets better at delivering your ads to people who are more likely to take certain actions. This is called conversion optimization.

Conversion tracking with the Facebook Pixel

Once we had Facebook conversion tracking in place and started using Custom Audiences, we saw a huge uplift in sales. Facebook ads became ROI-positive for us, from day one!

Amy Norman

Co-founder, Little Passports

Setting up the Facebook pixel

If you have access to your website's code, you can add the Facebook pixel yourself. Many people, however, require the help of a developer. If that's the case, simply email your Facebook pixel code to them and they can easily add it to your site. If you're adding the pixel yourself: The Facebook pixel base code (what you see when you create your pixel) should be placed on all pages of your website. Then, you'll have to add standard events to the pixel code on the special pages of your website, such as your add-to-cart page or your purchase page.

For full step-by-step instructions on adding the Facebook pixel to your site, visit the Help Center.

Create your Facebook pixel to send to your developer, or install it yourself.

Additional resources

A family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect.

Facebook for Business

Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.