Appeal a Disapproved Ad

Please fill out this form to help us find out why your ad wasn’t approved.
We can't find any disapproved ads under your account right now but you can still submit this form to get help. Please describe the issue and share the link to the ad from your Ads Manager in the box below.
Recommended Help Topics:
Finding your ad account ID

Find your ad account number in the dropdown in the top left of Ads Manager. This dropdown shows all your ad accounts and their ID numbers.

Finding your campaign, ad set or ad ID

You can customize your columns in Ads Manager to show your campaign, ad set or ad ID numbers:

  1. In the top right of the table in Ads Manager, click the Columns dropdown and then select Customize Columns
  2. Click Settings on the left
  3. Check the boxes for Campaign ID, Ad Set ID and Ad ID
  4. Check the Save as preset box in the bottom left corner and give this preset setting a name.
  5. Click Apply

The next time you click the Columns dropdown, you can choose that preset to see the ID numbers for your campaigns, ad sets or ads. Learn more about customizing your columns.

Finding campaign, ad set or ad IDs in your URL

You can also find ID numbers by clicking an ad account, campaign, ad set or ad in Ads Manager and copying and pasting the ID from the URL that shows in your browser.

Finding your campaign ID in your URL

  1. When you go to Ads Manager, go to the table at the bottom that shows all your campaigns by default. If you don't see your campaigns, click the dropdown menu in the left of the table and click All Campaigns.
  2. Under Campaign Name, click the campaign you want to open.
  3. Find the number in the URL. This is your campaign ID.

Finding your ad set ID in your URL

  1. Click the dropdown in the top left of the campaign table and then choose All Ad Sets.
  2. Click the ad set you want to open.
  3. Find the number in the URL. This is your ad set ID.

Finding your ad ID in your URL

  1. Click the dropdown in the top left of the campaign table and then choose All Ads.
  2. Click the ad you want to open.
  3. Find the number in the URL. This is your ad ID.
Manage your Ads
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